Hi DW,
I totally agree that I need to redo my site and demo experience. The logo/header is weak. The sales letter could be improved
This is NOT as important as others lead us to believe, I've found that good split/testing is more important, if you just start re-designing/changing, etc... and you don't know where the changes are resulting in additional sales it won't be useful info, please continue updating LMP as MUCH as you are now before working on the marketing things discussed - while they are important, they're not that important, also having another Affiliate program probably would be a good idea.
I have thought about charging around $25 for 6 months of Upgrades & Forum Access.
Regarding this, that's a good idea, also, it's very nice that you are 'grandfathering' in those of us who have been here a while, I don't see why you couldn't start with those who started purchase in the last month or two - just before your major update? Even if you need to consider adding previous owners into this type of fee I wouldn't complain too much, though I'd like to see it grandfathered in, at least for those who provide you with additional SUPPORT/HELP and answer your questions up here on the forum, those with the most useful posts, etc....
The forum is very useful and provides ongoing excellent information - I'm all for you being able to survive, and charging the support fee as a reocurring charge is probably your best option. Please see my other posts, I believe you could do well by partnering with others, such as AdTrackz that already has ad tracking down to a science (including split (a-b) testing), incorporate these type of partners into LMP and you'll have a system that cannot be beat!
Still one area that would need additional support would be providing some type of statistical analysis of UNSUBS, when they leave and why, perhaps consider working with someone that could code something like that in Excel for detailed analysis of each list.
Also INCLUDE automatically a program that would WRITE OUT the required info into your xtra (.php files) for running (via cron), that would allow anyone to setup nice rules such as - if MEMBER unsubs LIST1, automatically unsub them from list2, 3, 4, but NOT list5, etc... provide an automated way to create those lines in the xtra file and go provide that as a module ADD-ON to LMP, just a thought...
I'm excited. So excited I need to be brought down to earth from time to time. Thanks bhl007!
That's great!!! Keep up the good work!