Author Topic: ListMail Pricing Changes  (Read 6949 times)


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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2005, 10:50:46 am »
Thanks again for your excellent input, Brett.  I very much appreciate the constructive criticism.  You never fail to give me your 2 cents as a client, a businessman, and a friend.  Your experience and thoughtfulness is invaluable.  You are an essential part of ListMail.

I mentioned I would be grandfathering all current members and I intend to honour it.  I may provide incentive (such as a free license) for current members to update to the new system.

I agree that $2 would be best. It would have to be charged annually or bi-annually so one couldn't pay just $2 for a month and download the latest major update.  $24/yr is mutually reasonable and, along with sales and future ventures, adds up to more than enough for me to run this business comfortably.

There is no doubt - ListMail is going to remain one of the most cost-effective solutions for professional email marketing available.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2005, 10:56:35 am »
Quote from: "valuehosted"
I think one of the things you should implement and I have been yelling at you since day one - ADD a newsletter on your home page for potential buyers to find out when you update, run specials etc.

After support, this is the first order of the day.  I can't believe I have gone all this time without a working example of ListMail on my homepage. :shock:

Your further suggestion of having an updates/specials newsletter for non-members is excellent.  I think it would boost sales considerably.

I have also had ideas of allowing members to submit their newsletters to be optionally subscribed-to along with the ListMail demo newsletter.

Thanks a lot for your valuable input, Tone!
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2005, 12:06:44 pm »
Quote from: "DW"
Your further suggestion of having an updates/specials newsletter for non-members is excellent.  I think it would boost sales considerably.

I have also had ideas of allowing members to submit their newsletters to be optionally subscribed-to along with the ListMail demo newsletter.

Glad you like the idea... wish you would have liked it a year ago :)

Now - that is something I have been looking to do - a co-op newsletter option - how would one do that; is this possible without rigging or?



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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2005, 12:15:04 pm »

Thanks for the great comment!


I suspect a co-op system will take some rigging, but shouldn't be too hard.  There are ways to post a form to a new window using JavaScript, so it's a "simple" matter of submitting to two windows from the same form with the data in the right places.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2005, 04:45:19 pm »
how come a listmail script owner doesn't use the email marketing technique to market his website  :lol:

We cannot deny that sometimes user just see your site at once, then leave forever. So mailing list is important.

Sure Dean know this.  :wink:

And since your price have raise, try to focus on copywriting. Point out the most important features....

Your current sales letter is a bit more to techie user. Make it very general to any non techie user

Some reference that u can see is GreatResponse and Mailoop.


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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2005, 06:11:26 pm »
Dean (sorry, I got carried away with this.)
Although I agree in principle that people need to know if it will do what they are looking for at the time, I wouldn’t skimp on the more detailed side either.
As I mentioned earlier, Add2it AutoRespond Pro has two listings of details.
One list tells you what it will do, non-technically, and the second tells you how it does it.
Personally, I had to read through the ListMail on-line guide a few times to figure out what I could get it to do for me. I spent about three days trying out ideas on the demo version. I tried out just about every facility that I could find.
I only had to do this because it doesn’t tell you half of the things that you can get it to do.
There are many background details not mentioned. (Like that you can nest custom text codes..! Try and find that anywhere in the instructions, but I find it pure magic.)
I am one of these people that has to know how something actually works before I would rely on it. There are others that haven’t a clue and don’t have the time or interest. They just need to know if it will do their specific job.
You undersell MailList considerably. I actually find it frustrating that you have such a good system and others push theirs harder.
I have mentioned a few of these points, somewhat offhandedly, in previous mails. I am sure that others that have been with you over the years have probably said the same.
You mention about support. There are so many people on here that help others out it is quite beyond belief. This forum in itself is a main support selling point. There are probably few things that haven’t been mentioned in here before to help people, but it is a nightmare trying to find them when things are going wrong.
People (like me) ask the simplest things at first because they are unfamiliar. It only needs a comprehensive Q&A facility for that, all the help is already in here but mixed up.
Sorry this has gone on a bit… but I can honestly say that ListMail is one of the best pieces of work that I have seen. This may sound a bit exaggerated but I have managed technical design facilities for a number of years and written a few systems myself, so I think I know a bit about software design.
OK I give up. 1:45 in morning here and maybe I should calm down a bit.
**Just a thought, now that the price has risen… how about a drastic rebate for people switching from another system on proof of purchase? Maybe up to $100 discount.! With some membership lists circulating the details you could corner the market. Move everyone onto ListMail. Take over the world… Oh..  that’s too far.**
That’s my two pennyworth.


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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #21 on: April 05, 2005, 06:52:03 pm »
I would like to see a lil more spruced up GUI - not a big deal though but currently it does not even display version number.

and yes - Trevor is right though, LMP does so much that either flat out is not mentioned or very muddily explained on the front page - it should be a lot more detailed, you'd see a huge improvement in sales.

Also - refugee discount would be nice for those that are migrating.



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ListMail Pricing Changes
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2005, 01:03:38 pm »
Thank you all for your excellent input!  I know I need to work on my marketing (and I wonder why I'm not more successful? :?)  I am re-thinking my site and am excited about the possibilities.  It's definitely time for change! :D
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting