Author Topic: Listmailpro do not delivery any message  (Read 1761 times)


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Listmailpro do not delivery any message
« on: March 16, 2006, 08:50:19 pm »
I have listmailpro at webhosting service with cpanel. If I "test" the system evrething is done ok but if I "send an email" or I wait for recive the followap messages at the shedule time, I do not recive anything.

I have the cron command too but there is no message delivery. The report of sent messages says that every email was sent but I dont recive nothing.

I hope you can help me to fix this problem



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Listmailpro do not delivery any message
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2006, 05:13:49 am »

On most servers running cPanel you should have success with "localhost" as the SMTP host with no additional authorization.  A reconnect setting of "1000" is highly recommended as (I believe) it's the cPanel default maximum messages per connection.

Some servers have restrictions against the "bounce" and "send from" email of your messages.  These may need to be @ the same domain ListMail is installed on.

You may want to upgrade ListMail to v1.85 as a bug could be 'missing' an SMTP error, which could also cause what you report where messages seem to be delivered but they're not.

Another possibility is that by default cPanel will send up to 10 messages immediately and then the rest SEVERAL HOURS later.  Check out this post for some tips for your administrator to stop this from happening and allow your email to be sent immediately.

Hope that helps! :)

Regards, DW
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Listmailpro do not delivery any message
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2006, 12:05:58 pm »
I have the exact same problem...
In fact, I'm not even sure what the problem is!

I just moved to a new hosting cie (with cPanel) and at the same time upgraded to v1.85 (from 1.7). Now when I send emails (via php) it all seems normal, but no one gets my messages. The cron job doesn't work either (but maybe I didn,t enter it correctly).

Yesterday morning, I manually ran dailymail, and my followups were sent (and received). I also sent emails to my list, but no one got them.

This morning, I ran dailymail manually once again, but this time no one got the followups!

I created a list with just 2 emails (mine and my partner), and I tried to send a mailing, and we get the message I sent. But when I send them to my list of 450 people, the messages don't get through (even though everything seems ok when I send them).

We looked for the exim file, and didn't find it.

I don't know what to do...

Thanks for your help.

MP Charron


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Listmailpro do not delivery any message
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 12:54:24 am »
It's not recommended that you use internal PHP mail for list mailings.  Each PHP mailing opens a new 'process' on the server and you may reach a 'running program limit' as DNS lookups when sending email take time. I insist that you try SMTP with a setting of "localhost" and a reconnect of "1000" on cPanel.  Providing your host is not deleting the server outgoing mail queue and the server IP is not blocked from sending email to large parts of the internet (your host can check the mail logs for this..) your messages should be delivered, faster if the server is optimized as noted.  The Exim improvement can only be applied by your server administrator.

Delivery largely depends on your host and the actions of other clients on the same server.  Please contact your provider and ask if there are any blocks on the server and whether or not mail can be sent reliably.  I also recommend that you copy and paste the information in the Exim optimization post in an effort to improve mailing efficiency on the server.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting