Author Topic: LMP went berserk last evening  (Read 4409 times)


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LMP went berserk last evening
« on: March 07, 2007, 01:28:24 am »
Hey Dean! I've sent multiple emails but don't know if they got through. Then tried the PM and both messages are sitting in the Outbox, with no seeming way to send them on to you.

Last evening at 7:33 through 7:38PM, my LMP went absolutely NUTS. I came home from dinner, was in the kitchen when mail came in. Shortly thereafter, I got a call from daughter, which prompted me to look at my Mailbox Dispatcher to view the mail.

Some 1400 emails!!!!!!

These were UNSUBSCRIBING my primary address from my appx. 30 lists. REPEATEDLY. And REPEATEDLY. JUST my email address, nobody else's. I went into LMP, totally freaked, as I could not see a way to stop this!

I finally went in and totally deleted all of the Followups, which DID put a stop to it. Nothing to send, eh?

My mails to you, other than a crazed HELPPP!! ... was, What Happened? I have not had time in this week past installation, to do a thing with any of it and quite frankly haven't even been in the control panel for several days.

My brother sent a mail, saying he'd gotten the exact same messages (concerning bouncing and deleting ME from his list)... 120 of them!!

I went and checked my other clients. One of them had been deleted from his list. The other two, I caught in time, I guess, as they are still there. But my primary address, 'subscribed' to each list, along with one other from other domains, as a test factor when I mail out.... the primary addie was totally deleted from the system, all lists.

I need to know what happened. I need to know what instigated this. In my last mail I asked if we had been hacked? I went into the logs and it is almost 3MB for yesterday, FULL of what appears to be spam mails of the usual disgusting mode.

Meanwhile, I have stripped out all the Followups. I am dead in the water, Dean, for mailouts, until we can figure out what happened.

On top of it all, I NEED to know if this went out to all my readers? Or, was it limited to the owners of the list (myself and 3 clients)??

The emails all stated that I was bounced, and then ultimately eliminated from the list. I checked all lists and the "All" and yes, I am OUT. This seems to be something in bounce.cgi?


I have worked for two months on new product and a 52 week email sequence!! It is, as of yesterday, ready to fly... and then this!

Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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LMP went berserk last evening
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 05:00:05 am »
I have responded and will continue to respond by email.  I will update this post for everyone when we have completed investigation of this.

At first glance it seems some followups may have been sent unexpectedly, or accidentally, and some additional problems may be caused by a bouncing signup notification address.  Possible good news is the fact that just 10 addresses received all of the messages sent by the server.

I hope to get to the bottom of this very soon.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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LMP is limping; much is now broken
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 12:57:19 pm »
I just had a call from a new would be subscriber. He could not sign up on one of the lists. It never sent the emails for double confirming. I worked with him a half hour. Had him sign up on the main signup for the newsletter. It then DID send him the emails. And he showed up in the database. However... it is sending NOTHING to me. No alert to a new subscriber.

This is officially broken, Dean. I need help.

Again, what happened?


added note: I have no clue where to begin. I have no idea what is broken, what is working. If I am not being sent an alert on a new subscriber, then this glitch destroyed my email overall.... not just my test mails in the dbases for lists, but also the functionality of my primary address in the configuration and settings for lists.
Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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LMP has wiped my primary address clean
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 01:59:01 pm »
I just did the 'preview' thing, for the emails sent upon confirmation, etc.

NOTHING is coming in. LMP has wiped my addie clean from my LMP system. This addie is still specified in the configuration and settings. But LMP is sending me nothing!

I've run tests on the email address, and apart from this LMP glitch, they are coming back instantly. So this is what LMP is generating, or... NOT generating.

Dean, I need for you to reply to me. I need to know what to do.

Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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The function to test the SMTP and bounce
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2007, 02:59:58 pm »
I changed the primary address in the settings. SMTP worked both ways, with the 'outside' email address, which is set to my gmail address.

When I changed the admin address, the bounce test worked. When it is at my previous addie that the system has kicked to the curb, the test SAYS it is successful, but no email comes in, to verify that. But changing the email address for admin, that verification email comes right in.

Something in the bounce sequence for sure.

Dean, please mail me.
Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 04:31:32 pm »
I changed my primary/admin email, and that seems to be working at least for the system generated messages.

For my primary addie that LMP KILLED.... I cannot successfully even resubscribe. It automatically puts me in the "unconfirmed" category -- where you can view it right now. I do not get ANY emails generated to my primary address. I am VERY unhappy over this.

In the dropdown list, and go to BOUNCED..... you will see the MESS generated by LMP last evening. They are ALL there. 21 of them. Would have been 22 but I removed my addie from List #2 which is my primary list for Waybill To Adventure ... to see if I could successfully subscribe. AGAIN... it won't go past the confirmation stage, as no email comes to me, to confirm it.

However, in changing the admin address, PLUS signing up again with that same addie, it all seems to be working.

Dean, I need a reply. I could return to Aweber. I know, not a nice comment, but my business is DEAD since last night with the SNAFU.

Please reply, update me, EXPLANATIONS are nice.

Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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LMP went berserk last evening
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2007, 06:15:26 pm »
Leanne, as mentioned in my first response I had replied however it seems my reply bounced, then I went to bed...  I have made sure delivery was successful this time.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Dean, got it!
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2007, 07:28:16 pm »
Thank you! I just replied to you... it looks like Hostgator has done huge damage to my primary email. I WILL find out what is going on.

Warning to anybody looking at this thread...... stay away from Hostgator!

Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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Thanks for all your help... now bounce.cgi problems
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2007, 04:45:33 pm »
Hi Dean -- again, thank you! It has taken a grueling more than two weeks to get this campaign set up!

I JUST sent out to my primary list. A kind of test email, as I KNOW there are a ton of dead addresses.

It is half an hour later, and of the 1500+ addies, NOT ONE HAS BOUNCED.

The only thing this can be is that bounce.cgi is not working.

Could you get with me on this?


Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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LMP went berserk last evening
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2007, 07:40:33 pm »
Leanne, I have updated and tested your bounce.cgi configuration please let me know if you still do not experience bounces.  Note that you will not actually see whether or not users are processed for bouncing until they are removed, which according to your settings is after 4 times in 30 days, and then only if "notify when a user is removed for bouncing" is enabled on the List Settings page for each list.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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more on bouncing stuff
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2007, 05:40:03 pm »
Again, thanks Dean. I responded in the other thread. But LOL, now a new question.

Since you've gotten this all up so superbly... you said:

Note that you will not actually see whether or not users are processed for bouncing until they are removed, which according to your settings is after 4 times in 30 days, and then only if "notify when a user is removed for bouncing" is enabled on the List Settings page for each list.

In the bounce loopy thing that happened a month ago, we agreed that taking this setting OUT and not having it notify me, would help stop the chaos. I disabled this in all my lists.

Now... do you think I can safely enable this? I really need this info.


Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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LMP went berserk last evening
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2007, 07:58:12 pm »

As long as notification emails aren't bouncing there shouldn't be a problem.  If you can send to the notify address using the ListMail server (from Outlook) and it doesn't bounce, or you simply use an account -on- the ListMail server, you should be fine.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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using the notify address
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 01:21:22 am »
I've not had any problems with my primary address since moving back to you. I just ran a test mail, from leanne@ TO leanne@ just to recheck things, and it did fine. Is that what you meant by sending via the 'notify address' - which this is?

I am getting step 2 of this campaign together, which goes out to my larger readership. Dean, I am going to set the settings in config, to 1 bounce in 1 week. I am still trying to derive a way of getting dead wood out of the list and this is the only way I see, to do it. Am hoping it won't drive things nutty :-)

Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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LMP went berserk last evening
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2007, 01:57:44 pm »

Yes, that sounds fine... as long as receiving email at the notify address works. :D

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting