I am having some problems post install with listmail pro.
First. The confirmation link in my welcome messages are not working.
Well, they do work, but they take me to an error page.
Here is the confirmation link from the email. You can click through it and see the error page.
http://www.1597z39c58.fitcartpro.com/AR/confirm.php?u=ff85603Is there something I need to set up to make the confirmation links work?
Also, I am trying to set up the bounce process. The help files say to create a txt file...uploaded it to the home directory...and rename it .procmailrc.
However, I am unable to upload to this directory as it tells me I do not have permission. I can upload to the directories located within this directory with no problem, I can upload to cgi-bin, httpsdocs, httpdoc, etc. any thoughts? Should i be able to upload without a problem or does this directory typically require special access from your webhost?
The help file also says to set up a email alias. This is probably a silly question, but I want to make sure. Does this mean that I need to set up another email address for my domain? For instance, lets say my main email mail address for my business might me myemail@mybusiness.com. I would then need to set up another email address something like bounce@mybusiness.com???Am i on the right track?
Next...crontab setup.
My daily mail did not run this morning so I think my script may not be right.
In my admin account for my website i have set the crontab task to run everyday at hour 1 and minute 1. I then placed this code in the command box they provide:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null -T 0
http://1597Z39C58.fitcartpro.com/AR/dailymail.php?pw=****** 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Is this all sound/look correct.
Thanks for any help you can provide.