Hi Dean.... sorry to have kinda dropped out .... started getting some real hassel from a disgruntled recipient on our completely legal optin email list. Thought it best to duck behind the parapit while the problem was sorted out. I still think that this mail package is superb, but I didn't want to leave a trail for a time waster to enjoy, also I realised that I has posted info that maybe in retrospect was unprofessional of me.
I'm still very keen indeed to get the package sorted out, but I couldn't leave the door open for ever on the off chance that you would have time to have a look.
I think I can conclusively say that the problem is not with the server. It is a bug in the programme. or alternatively the installation instructions maybe ambiguos.
If you can guarentee that you can sort the problem (given that the server scipts don't time out, and that there is not restriction on the number of emails sent, this I have proved to myself beyond a reaosnable doubt) then I am sure I can pursaude my boss to pay the support fee.
But it has to be door open, door closed.... i.e. a proper time frame that we adhere to. At the end of the day I'm pretty sure that all we'll be doing is helping you debug this version of your excellent application, so paying a fee for that will be.. er how can I put it... unfair. But, I woudl like to have it sorted, rather than ask for a refund.
Our server hosts 500 domains, so it's not a some small fry eneterprise that can afford to experiement with security... I am sure you undersatand.
I thank you for your attention, and look forward to your reply.... maybe we should continue this via PM.
all the best