Author Topic: Mass-deleting subscribers - How?  (Read 2082 times)


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Mass-deleting subscribers - How?
« on: April 25, 2005, 09:34:46 am »
Hi Dean,

I recently got some spam complaints from some of my AOL subscribers.

I use double optin and I was able to show my webhost (Host4Profits) that these subscribers did indeed themselves subscribe to my newsletter. However, as you probably know, it's very easy for AOL users to send a spam complaint (just by pressing a button in their emails, I think) - often much easier to taking the time to check if they did indeed subscribe to an optin list.

However, I've decided (at least for the time being) to skip all AOL subscribers from my list.

So, my question is, what is the easiest way to do that?

I've tried to use your excellent User Selection function, by using the following query:

SELECT * FROM lm_users WHERE (list = '3' and cnf = '1' AND email != '');

However, this prompt don't seem to to filter away my AOL subscribers.

I've also tried to download my lm_users table, then deleting all AOL subscribers by using the regular expression search/replace function in my text editor. The next step is to delete my present lm_users table and then finally upload the lm_users mysql file I've just edited in my text editor. However, this seems like a rather difficult way to accomplish this task - especially if I have to do it every time I want to clean my list of AOL subscribers.

I'll be really grateful if you can please help me here and give me some advice on the easiest way to do this.

BTW, thank you for AN EXCELLENT SCRIPT! I've tested several competing scripts, and yours is the best, so far as I can judge.

Thank you very much in advance!

Warm regards,
Klaus Dahl


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Mass-deleting subscribers - How?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2005, 09:42:38 pm »
Hi Klaus,

Thanks for your kind comment!  If you haven't already, post a testimonial along with a link to your site to get some free exposure.

In User Selection you might try this, with the wildcard character '%':

SELECT * FROM lm_users WHERE (list = '3' and cnf = '1' AND email != '');

Here are some custom MySQL commands that can be run in PhpMyAdmin:

To flag all AOL subscribers on all lists as "Removed"

UPDATE lm_users SET cnf = '2' WHERE email LIKE '';

To remove all AOL subscribers permanently:

DELETE FROM lm_users WHERE email LIKE '';

Hope that helps!
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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It worked
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2005, 11:04:05 am »
Hi Dean,

Thank you very much! I really appreciate your help.

I choose to use the following command in PhpMyAdmin:

DELETE FROM lm_users WHERE email LIKE '';

And it worked like a dream.

BTW, though I'm far from being an expert on MySql and PHP, like you, I didn't quite underst and this command:

UPDATE lm_users SET cnf = '2' WHERE 1;

Are you sure that it shouldn't be something like:

UPDATE lm_users SET cnf = '2' WHERE email LIKE '';

Sorry for my ignorance on this point! I'm just wondering.

Thank you very much, once again, for your help, Dean! And I'll be glad to post my testimonial.

Klaus Dahl


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Mass-deleting subscribers - How?
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2005, 01:47:52 pm »
You're absolutely right - I messed up the MySQL query.  Good thing you didn't run that one. :)  I've re-edited my original post to be correct.  Hey, if you're correcting me you could consider yourself to be fairly informed about MySQL. :) Great job. :D
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Thanks a lot, Dean!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2005, 02:25:25 pm »
Thanks a lot, Dean!  :D

I really appreciate your excellent service and your impressive expertise and knowledge.

Klaus  :D


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aol subs etc
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2005, 04:33:24 am »
Hi Dean and Hi Klaus,

I've just had the same problem so I've nuked the aol subs too, command worked easily, thanks

Peter Twist