Regarding this:
I went off-topic and started talking about "Quick Load".
Well, I can see the power in that, but I don't think it belongs here in the Sent Messages screen.... really, we do need a Quick Load like you mention for other messages, but I would like to see it somewhere on the Follow-Ups screen, perhaps, or on the List Settings screen if it's the standard Confirm, and Welcome messages, what do you think?
I do see the value in a Quick Load (for groups), wow, that would be interesting... but maybe AFTER the message is pulled up in the Send Messsage window? Again, not sure where it fits, would have to see it demoed out, maybe it would work here, but NOT sure how much I would use it, probably very little... as I really just want to do a Quick Load to make a change - please see my other Email on Split Testing and how I see that working as that seems to fit into this too - Have the Links/Messages automatically list the proper link among a GROUP of links, more info at this thread: