Author Topic: More Than One Email Being Sent...  (Read 1500 times)


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More Than One Email Being Sent...
« on: November 06, 2005, 12:03:48 pm »
I have searched around a bit trying to find this somewhere else but had no luck. Maybe not looking for the right thing...

Here is my delima:

When a user signs up to my newsletter, they have to confirm (double opt-in). They get directed to a webpage and asked to confirm. They receive an email with the link to confirm.

Now, once confirmed, they get directed to a thank you page with an offer, and then on to a members area. Now, they receive an email thanking them for subscribing to the newsletter.

They get Two of these thank you emails.

Also, when I send out a mailing, even to just one list, sometimes there is two or three copies sent to my subscribers.

I have signed up to my newsletter with another email address just to find out what is up, and have even set up another "test" list with only me on it...same thing.

Anyone have any suggestions as to why this is occuring? The only thing that I came up with is I use my isp's smtp to send out the emails (cox) - as my host's smtp does not ever work.

Has anyone else had this problem, or have any idea as to what is up??

Thanks in advance.

Your friend in business,

Robert Lawless

The Updater Newsletter

Digital Product Network


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More Than One Email Being Sent...
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 08:09:54 am »
Welcome, confirmation, and notification messages are all sent with the internal PHP mail() function, so will come from your web host.  It is possible that there is a misconfiguration at your host causing this.  This is definitely not normal ListMail behaviour.  Are you on the latest files available from the members area (v1.84)?

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting