Author Topic: moving host  (Read 2065 times)


  • Posts: 93
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moving host
« on: September 15, 2004, 05:05:18 am »
I am moving my domain name that I currently use with list mail pro to a new server.
I want my listmail to remain where it is. is part of the listmail within my url that I will ie the mail directory?
If anyone other than Dean can sort this out for me, i have a time issue and we pay well. :)


  • Posts: 78
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moving host
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 08:17:38 am »
I'm not certain I get the gist of your question.

ListMail is currently installed on a server with your domain's Web site.
You want to move the Web site to another server.
You want to keep ListMail on the old server.

I would think that you would be able to do that by using absolute URL's to point to ListMail in the Web site's code.

So in other words, you'd replace

<form name=sup method=post action=> <input type=hidden name=list value=1>

on the registration form with

<form name=sup method=post action=> <input type=hidden name=list value=1>

I might be way off base, but I can not see why you would not be able to do that.



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moving host
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2004, 01:44:21 pm »
You'll have to be careful that you don't lose your ListMail data.  When a domain name is removed from a hosting server the files, and MySQL data, are generally deleted automatically.  In this case you will need to perform a MySQL "Export" from PhpMyAdmin, commonly accessible through your control panel, and download your ListMail data.

Once your new domain is set up, you can set up a new MySQL database, import your data, and upload the ListMail files to resume where you left off.  Your ListMail configuration will should be changed to reflect the new domain name and email addresses.  The "Send From" email can usually be anything you want but the bounce address should always be an address on the server/domain you are running ListMail on.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting