Author Topic: My bounce.cgi this the correct way to do it?  (Read 1698 times)


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My bounce.cgi this the correct way to do it?
« on: July 25, 2008, 11:29:04 am »
Hello All,

I have a couple questions regarding setting up the bounce.cgi to run correctly. First, in my Listmailpro configuration I have chosen the option to run bounce.cgi and have chosen the e-mail name, to enter right below the chosen option. I set up e-mail forwarding at my host like this:  ==>  |/usr/bin/perl /home/bighitpu/public_html/hypnoticworks/mail/cgi/bounce.cgi

At my host I set up a pop account through the control panel with the name:

The idea here is that any message sent by ListMailPro would go to e-mail address, which would trigger the bounce.cgi script.

I have two questions regarding my setup:
1. Is this the correct way to set this up?
2. Is the pop account, required? I read somewhere in the forum that setting up a pop account such as this was not correct for bounced messages, but don't recall where I saw this displayed.

Thank you for your time,

Larry Baker


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My bounce.cgi this the correct way to do it?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 09:24:24 pm »
Hi Larry,

Judging by your folder structure your server may be on cPanel hosting software - is that right?  If so, in my experience you can omit the "/usr/bin/perl " part of the command and set it up as described in the help here.
Is the pop account, required?

You should remove this mailbox as if the mailbox exists the forwarder will not be triggered correctly.  The forwarder should be all that is needed to send messages to the script.

Set the URL in bounce.cgi and upload it to the desired folder.  I recommend installing to public_html/cgi-bin.  Set the permissions to executable (755).

If you still can't get a success message out of the "Test Mail Settings" feature there is a script you can copy, upload and run to check the permissions on common web-page-grabbing system tools:
Code: [Select]
<?phpecho "<h1>shell_exec</h1>";echo shell_exec('cat /etc/*rele*').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/wget*').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/curl').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/GET').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/lynx').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/fetch').'<br>';echo shell_exec('whoami').'<br>';echo shell_exec('groups').'<br>';echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/wget').'<br>';?>

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting