I thought I'd post this email ad I received since it seems to be from an honest person trying to make it online. They are sending UCE but it adheres to the CAN-SPAM act and, from the looks of it, they do not appear to be harvesting email addresses (she probably found my site through some web research). A huge factor in this decision is that the service could be
very beneficial to ListMail clients. Here it is:
Dear Mr. Wiebe:
If you or your clients are ever looking for someone to help you write, edit, or do a final review of e-newsletters and e-mails, please keep me in mind. Allow me to be your “writing fix-it” resource, whether it’s on a regular basis or just once in a while.
As a freelance copywriter and editor, I’ve been helping businesses write and put the finishing touches on their collateral for more than fifteen years.
Count on convenient, professional, reliable service. These requests reflect clients’ typical concerns…
“Punch it up a bit”
“Reword this section”
“Sentences too long”
“Sub-heads need work”
“Make more consistent”
“Need greater urgency”
“Cut down and clean up”
“Suggestions for copy flow”
“Make more reader-friendly”
“Get rid of any redundancy”
“Read for overall clarity and sense”
“Needs fine-tuning and final review”
“Use this style guide and check conformity to style”
Next time you’re looking for this type of support, why not run your project by me? It’s easy to do, and you can depend on me to help ensure your copy truly reflects your corporate standards and goals. Contact me anytime at copy@susanremkus.com.
Thank you.
Susan Remkus
Copywriting etc.
8060 Allison Place
Arvada, CO 80005-2558
303/422-8768 tel
303/423-2657 fax
If you're interested in posting a write-up about your email-marketing-related business in the ListMail forum let me know. We might need need to make a new category for these. "Complimentary Services" seems like a good title.

I could also make a small amount of affiliate revenue where possible which would encourage ListMail's development. What do you think?
Regards, DW