Author Topic: New question re: bounce.cgi  (Read 2039 times)


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New question re: bounce.cgi
« on: March 24, 2007, 05:54:25 pm »
I truly am not seeing any bounces happen on my large test mailing now over an hour ago.

But then it occurred to me that what I am really hoping for is to fine-tune this list. I need all of these dead addresses out of here.

And in the LMP control panel, I no longer have that option for setting how many bounces per how many days.

But is the "bounce" feature really what I am looking for? Is there a part of LMP coding that takes care of actual DEAD addresses? Dean, how do I weed these out?

And with that option gone in the control panel, how do I reset the bounces/per time period?

Thanks  :shock:

Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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New question re: bounce.cgi
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2007, 07:32:58 pm »
Leanne, the bounce settings are at the bottom of the ListMail Configuration page.  I just updated your bounce.cgi and tested it and it appears to be working now.  (I didn't test it before fixing it...oops)  This is all sort of installation-related so since you're on my servers and I did the setup just email me.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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bounce is back ;-)
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2007, 05:40:55 pm »
Hi Dean... thank you! I just went and looked and all the settings are back in the control panel.

I apologize... I fell off the deep end, I guess. Ended up sleeping almost 24 hours... got up long enough to mail out the campaign, and then back to sleep.

I am ecstatic over having this up and going again.

QUESTION (to Dean, all) ... What is the best setting for the number of bounces in so many days?

I am lining up a weekly news, and currently have it set for 4 times in 30 days. But Dean explained that to weed out DEAD addresses, it will take to the end of that sequence before LMP actually removes the dead wood.

A month ago, just before all that looping and bouncing happened, I set this to 1 bounce in 1 week, just to see if it would take out the dead ones. Once the chaotic thing happened, I set it back just in case it was part of the problem (I don't think it was).

Slowly getting this all together. WHO said IM was easy? After a decade online, NOT I.
Leanne Carson Boyd
Waybill To Adventure, LLC
The Whole Enchilada.


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New question re: bounce.cgi
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2007, 01:45:36 pm »
QUESTION (to Dean, all) ... What is the best setting for the number of bounces in so many days?

This is up for debate - I usually use the default of 3 times in 30 days.
A month ago, just before all that looping and bouncing happened, I set this to 1 bounce in 1 week, just to see if it would take out the dead ones. Once the chaotic thing happened, I set it back just in case it was part of the problem (I don't think it was).

A setting of "1" with any number of days will result in the user being removed after just 1 bounce.   This is not recommended due to the possibility of temporary blocks which could result in a large number of valid addresses being removed.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting