Author Topic: Only sending out Followups every other day.  (Read 2080 times)


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Only sending out Followups every other day.
« on: May 12, 2005, 08:20:57 am »
Can anyone help.
We run a list of 15,000 members, I've downloaded the list to check where people are in the followup sequence and I know that most days nearly 2,000 emails should be going out.
Problem is that one day 2,000 emails go out the next day 44, the third day 2,000 ish emails the next day 72?
I have none left in the queue to resume, I've checked with my host that all is ok with the server and it's fine.
so I need to know what might be happening.

I need to know as I have a suspsion that list mail is also moving people along in the email sequence and they didn't get their email.
So can I find a log on my server that will let me know what went out? As obvoiusly I dont' want people getting emails out of sequence.

B. why are the correct number of emails going out only everyother day?

Gail Cardell


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Only sending out Followups every other day.
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2005, 04:16:14 pm »
Hi Gail,

This one seems a little tricky... Let's see here - pardon me while I talk to myself :).  I haven't changed anything with the followups in the recent updates, so that shouldn't be the problem... Why would so few emails be going out if they are supposed to?  Could there be a backup process running on the host at the same time as dailymail, literally shutting down MySQL at the same time ListMail is using it?? This is unlikely...  Could the call to dailymail be being interrupted by a time limit before all messages are queued?  Shouldn't be - 2000 followups shouldn't take more than 30 seconds, the default timeout...  When a user is advanced in sequence, a message should definitely be queued to them and it should show up in the dailymail report.

I have a few questions:
1: Are you getting your numbers from the dailymail report?
2: What is your crontab timing?  (ie 1 2 * * *) Could it be set incorrectly?
3: What is your followup timing - one per day? Is there a place in the sequence when a message does not go out every day?

Can you post your issue to support so I might do some hands-on troubleshooting, please?

This is difficult to troubleshoot over the forum but I would still appreciate a reply here :).

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Any chance of a reply?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2005, 11:07:03 pm »
Hi Dean
I've now sent you the details as requested last week, our system is stilling sending out emails every other day,yesterday 300 today, 5,926.
You now have our ftp details, the server details (I've upgraded the server to make sure it was not a space issue). But have heard no reply.
Gail Cardell


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Only sending out Followups every other day.
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2005, 07:14:22 pm »
Hi Gail,

I have the exact same problem on a list of about
3500.  It would send 3 one day, 500 the next day,
and only 7 the next day.

There was no set pattern as to how many messages
were going out each day.  There was no way to tell
who they had been sent to because all of the subs
show they were sent to everyone.

It would show I had from 300-3000 waiting to go
out.  I never knew what to do.  It cost me over 1000
subs because of that problem.

I hope it can get figured out soon.

Neil Adams
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Thanks for your reply
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 02:55:51 am »
Thank goodness I'm not the only one going through this and it now makes me think it's the upgrade that is causing the problem, as I've driven my host nuts checking the SMTP and the Cron and upgrading.
If I ever hear from Dean - it's been 5 days since I requested help.
I'm glad he didn't have to wait for so long when he wanted us to help him out recently:(
Thanks for your imput.
Gail Cardell


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Only sending out Followups every other day.
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2005, 10:18:08 am »
If you look at this post I responded just 8 hours after your original post.  You reported sending me your server details just yesterday, on the 16th.  Please, please use the forum or paid technical support avenues for all priority technical support as email now comes a distant 3rd.

I have about an hour right now to troubleshoot this.

It's interesting that another user of ListMail is having the same problem and that makes me think it's not simply host/server related.

I am going to have to do some rigorous testing on your installation, Gail.  Basically, I'm going to be hacking dailymail so that it doesn't send any email or increment any users but reports to me what it MIGHT do under normal circumstances...  Hopefully I can get it sorted in just a few hours when I can buckle down later on today.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting