Author Topic: Passing Affiliate Code  (Read 1504 times)


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Passing Affiliate Code
« on: December 05, 2006, 02:54:29 pm »
I'm using LMP to capture emails from various affiliates sending visitors via banner ads into separate lists. After the capture, I need to send them on to my site using the correct tracking code. I thought a quick and easy method would be to direct each list's successful sign up to a page on my site by having each list send to a specific URL containing the code. However, it seems that all lists get sent to the same URL, unlike the welcome email, for example.

If I have 5 lists set up to capture from 5 separate affiliates, can I not have each list send to a different URL upon successful form capture?!? My site is already set up to recognize the code and display the correct logos, etc.



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Passing Affiliate Code
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 12:30:45 pm »
What you need to do is this:

1) Go into Custom HTML, from any list.
2) Click "New" to create a new Custom HTML "set".
3) Modify the pages as desired and save the new set
4) Browse to the "List Settings" page for each list you want to use the particular HTML set.
5) In the "Custom HTML" option, choose the new saved set by name to be applied to your list.
6) Click "Save List"

The following help page and forum post may also help:

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting