Author Topic: Problem setting up ListMail on new server?  (Read 1653 times)


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Problem setting up ListMail on new server?
« on: February 08, 2007, 04:44:51 pm »
6:35 PM 2/8/2007  

Hey LM Forum Support Team,

Its alton sanders here..,

I am moving ListMail to a new host.
Current host didn't support "cron" feature.

I have a few question:

1.   The "attach.txt", "cgi" and "xtra" directories doesn't upload to the      
      new  host
      unless having to double click them so that the directory extract its files
      and then unload each file individually.
      Is there any difference uploading directories and files that way?
2.   The new host support browse and upload files.
       Does it make a different from a "FTP" program?
3.    Dean, why the new host point to this page when my URL is clicked?
       The following is what the new host suggested:
        Quote: "If you are transfering your domain or wish to change your
       please change them to the following:  oh buy the way, I did change to the new
        host nameserser.
       I asked the new host representative.
       Why do I get their page saying the following when I click on my URL?
       Quote: "Welcome to your future Website
       In order to view your website, please remove this file "
       index.html" and replace it with your own index.html file".

       Anyway, I have not yet found away to access ListMail login box
       on this new host server.  All the directories and files are
       text formated. Oh yeh, I have a new database setup
       with the new host, and also set up config.php file.

      Will you address this issue?

      Best regards,

      alton sanders


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Problem setting up ListMail on new server?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 07:18:59 pm »
Hi Alton,
1. The "attach.txt", "cgi" and "xtra" directories doesn't upload to the
new host
unless having to double click them so that the directory extract its files
and then unload each file individually.
Is there any difference uploading directories and files that way?

Possibly, but as long as the files are uploaded the files will be there on your site as required.
2. The new host support browse and upload files.
Does it make a different from a "FTP" program?

I would always use an FTP program, if possible.  It is very rare for a host not to support FTP.
3. Dean, why the new host point to this page when my URL is clicked?
The following is what the new host suggested:
Quote: "If you are transfering your domain or wish to change your
please change them to the following: oh buy the way, I did change to the new
host nameserser.

Your nameservers will need to be changed to those provided by your newest host.  These details should be provided by the host upon signup.
asked the new host representative.
Why do I get their page saying the following when I click on my URL?
Quote: "Welcome to your future Website
In order to view your website, please remove this file "
index.html" and replace it with your own index.html file".

As stated, you will need to remove or replace index.html with your FTP program or web-upload utility to change this message.  That is, of course, providing your domain is pointed to the expected nameservers / web host.
I have not yet found away to access ListMail login box
on this new host server. All the directories and files are
text formated. Oh yeh, I have a new database setup
with the new host, and also set up config.php file.

If you upload the ListMail files to your "public folder" /mail then you should be able to reach it at, or  If the PHP script does not "execute" and is simply displayed to you instead then there is a problem with PHP support on the server and you would have to ask your host about the ability to run PHP scripts.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting