Do you see an error message? I suspect one of two things:
1. Strict server time limit on PHP execution time
You can test this by copying the following code into a PHP script, ie. "timetest.php". Upload the file to your web site and browse to it to run it:
<?phpset_time_limit(0);// length of test in seconds$s = 300;$start=time();echo "running...";while(true){ $elapsed = time()-$start; echo "elapsed = $elapsed"; if($elapsed % 5 == 0 ){ echo "$elapsed.. "; flush(); } if($elapsed > $s) break; sleep(1);}echo "<br>Looks good! The script ran for $total secs";?>
2. SMTP limit on the number of messages per connection, or other limit.
I recommend writing your host inquiring about the possibility of SMTP message limits per connection, hour or day.
The best way to diagnose the problem is by enabling the SMTP log. This can be set for either a single mailing or globally, from the
Configuration page. The log file, written to your ListMail/
attach folder, could give more information than is displayed in the browser. Some common error messages:
Q: Too many messages this connection
A: Tweak the "Reconnect every X emails" SMTP option to suit the number of messages your server allows
Q: Administrative Prohibition
A: Possible limit on the number of emails per hour or day. Possibly need to enable authentication. Might need to verify that the "Bounce to" and "Send From" addresses are
on the ListMail domain and (more rare) set up in your hosting control panel as a mailbox or forwarder.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!