Author Topic: Problems with people disappearing off the lists -- help!  (Read 1786 times)


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Problems with people disappearing off the lists -- help!
« on: October 22, 2004, 07:44:00 pm »
Hi Dean,

I am a paid user of ListMail Pro and I really love it.  

I am having a couple of problems I need help with.

1.  I have the Bounce Handling set to "Disabled, all bounces are returned to the administrator email address."  But, we are not getting any notification when people are unsubscribed and no bounce notices.  We've had a few people disappear from the list with no record of it.  The adminstrator email address is valid and working through our email program.  What am I doing wrong?

2.  I have a plug-in from AMember to ListMail Pro for one of my lists and the Amember stats show about 10 more members than ListMail shows.  AMember does not allow multiple accounts for an email address, so I don't think that the numbers should be different.  Any thoughts?

Thanks for your help.

Cheryl Croasmun



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Problems with people disappearing off the lists -- help!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2004, 02:09:33 pm »
1. I have the Bounce Handling set to "Disabled, all bounces are returned to the administrator email address." But, we are not getting any notification when people are unsubscribed and no bounce notices. We've had a few people disappear from the list with no record of it. The adminstrator email address is valid and working through our email program. What am I doing wrong?

First, you should verify that your messages are indeed set to bounce to the Administrator Email.  You can do this by sending a message from the program to a test list, receiving the message, and checking the headers of the email for the line:


If this line does not contain your administrator email then you will not received bounces as expected.

You may not receive notification when users unsubscribe or bounce if you have not enabled the notifications and also set a "notification email" on each list.

2. I have a plug-in from AMember to ListMail Pro for one of my lists and the Amember stats show about 10 more members than ListMail shows. AMember does not allow multiple accounts for an email address, so I don't think that the numbers should be different. Any thoughts?

Regretfully, I do not know details about how AMember interacts with ListMail. :(
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting