Author Topic: Referal List Building  (Read 1852 times)


  • Posts: 35
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Referal List Building
« on: August 14, 2006, 06:18:57 am »

Referals are a cheap way to get new subscribers, when it can be done.

I send my list useful emails / useful info.
I want to send out an email to my existing list saying something like

"Dear ******, I hope you have found the information I have sent you useful. Who do you know who would appreciate also getting this info? Who do you personally know who would be very grateful to you if he or she was to receive the same information you get."

"Please fill in: your name / email. Their name /email."

And the new potential subscriber would instantly get a personalised email endorsed by their friend who had provided the fereral.

I can see how to do this with single referals.

How could it be done for referals of 2 to 10 names and emails.

Thanks for looking into this


  • Administrator
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Referal List Building
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 08:19:46 am »

I recommend storing a referral username or email address in a hidden variable on your signup form which is passed based on the URL vars.  For example, using custom field #1 and some PHP:
Code: [Select]
<form method=post action=>
<input type=hidden name=list value=1>
<!-- Referral --><input type=hidden name=user1 value="
Email: <input type=text name=email><br>
<input type=submit name=sup value="Subscribe Me!">

The affiliate would then send referrals to
Dean Wiebe
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