Author Topic: removal question on unsub confirm form possible  (Read 1516 times)


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removal question on unsub confirm form possible
« on: May 07, 2007, 08:07:09 am »
Hey Dean,
   I am guessing this is easy, but for me it's not so simple to figure out.
I want to add a question for subscribers who remove themselves to see if I can improve my lists.

So I think my question is

1. can I simply create a custom field (e.g. removequestion) and then paste my remove signup Code on the 'Custom HTML' -> 'Unsub Confirm' HTML page?

2. Or do I need to create my own Unsub page (on my server) with the HTML from the Signup Code?

And if I CAN do #1 - what button code do I use?  The one from the 'Signup code'  
<input type=submit name=sup value="Subscribe Me!">


the !button command?

Thanks a lot for you help,


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removal question on unsub confirm form possible
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2007, 12:09:25 am »
Hi Al,

The way I would do it is with a simple custom script and a form on your "Unsub Success" page.

Code: [Select]
<form method=post action=/mail/rem-feedback.php>
<textarea name=feedback cols=60 rows=5></textarea>
<input type=submit value="Submit Feedback">

Then set up a script "rem-feedback.php" to simply email you the result:
Code: [Select]
<?php$feedback = $_POST['feedback'];mail('','Unsubscriber Feedback',$feedback,"From: \"ListMailPRO\" <>");echo "Thanks for your feedback!";?>

Alternately, you could place it on your "Unsub Confirm" page but I recommend posting it to a new window...

Code: [Select]
<form method=post action=/mail/rem-feedback.php target=_new>
<textarea cols=60 rows=5></textarea>
<input type=submit value="Submit Feedback">

Hope that helps! :D

Dean Wiebe
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