Author Topic: resuming delivery caused 100 copies to same user?  (Read 1464 times)


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resuming delivery caused 100 copies to same user?
« on: February 22, 2006, 05:38:50 pm »

I manage email campaigns for my client using LMP. For this particular mailing they are sending to about 8k users including an attachment of about 2.5mb. I know this is a heavy load for any server and I even broke the list into 1000s and ran the mailing at night to help out.

All previous mailings to the smaller 1000 user lists went slow but always finished without stopping. However last night my mailing stopped after about 550 emails so I just resumed it this morning and didn't think anything of it. However, it continued to stall over and over again about every hour. I resumed probably 5 times today.

Then I received a call from my client stating that someone on their list received 100 copies of the email INCLUDING the 2.5 mb attachment!

Even though I resumed a coupe of times today that shouldn't cause someone to get 100 copies right? What else could be causing this?

Thanks in advance,


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resuming delivery caused 100 copies to same user?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 06:05:23 pm »

It's possible, although rare, that the stalled mailings continued to run in the background.

It should be practically impossible for this to happen with v1.85.  I highly recommend upgrading as it has much more advanced queue protection.

I cannot recommend that you continue to email a file attachment of that size.  It is a *huge* demand on the server...  Is it not just a well to simply include a link to the file hosted on the web site?

Regards, DW
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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resuming delivery caused 100 copies to same user?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 06:46:26 pm »
Quote from: "DW"

It's possible, although rare, that the stalled mailings continued to run in the background.

It should be practically impossible for this to happen with v1.85.  I highly recommend upgrading as it has much more advanced queue protection.

I cannot recommend that you continue to email a file attachment of that size.  It is a *huge* demand on the server...  Is it not just a well to simply include a link to the file hosted on the web site?

Regards, DW


We are currently on v1.84. I will upgrade and see if that helps. I discussed simply linking to the attachment with my client but they declined because it looked "cleaner" to them.

Anyway, I will let you know how it goes.
