Author Topic: Scheduled emails stuck in queue  (Read 1699 times)


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Scheduled emails stuck in queue
« on: July 03, 2007, 06:09:33 am »
I've been using LMP for quite a while, and for some reason (due to my host no doubt) I was never able to get dailymail reports. That all changed recently, although I don't know why - and now I've getting a dailymail report every day. :-)
So I recently started to test the scheduler functionality, and for awhile it would work - I'd schedule an email to be sent on a date in the future and on that date the emails would be sent and this would be noted in the dailymail report.
However, now this seems to have stopped working. Whenever I schedule and email, on the day it is supposed to send, it gets "stuck" in the "queue". No emails are sent because it always seems to stop at the beginning of the list. I can see the number of emails to be sent when I log in, but I cannot resume because it says they are still in the queue. The Sent Messages window shows they have been sent, which is incorrect. I have to cancel the job and send the emails manually. Also, I do not get a dailymail report for that day. If I don't schedule an email, I get a dailymail report.
Any ideas why this would be happening and thoughts on how to fix it?


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Scheduled emails stuck in queue
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2007, 02:57:20 am »
Hi Ben,

What happens when you try to resume?  Do you get any error messages or unexpected output?

Have your emails gotten larger?  If they are taking more time you could be reaching a server time limit on PHP scripts, although this is rare.  Here's a test .php script you can upload and browse to:
Code: [Select]
<?phpset_time_limit(0);// length of test in seconds$s = 300;$start=time();echo "running...";while(true){ $elapsed = time()-$start; echo "elapsed = $elapsed"; if($elapsed % 5 == 0 ){ echo "$elapsed.. "; flush(); } if($elapsed > $s) break; sleep(1);}echo "<br>Looks good!  The script ran for $total secs";?>

I should probably have a look at your queue, which I can do with access.  Please include a note about the message subject(s) from Sent Messages of queues you could not resume, if they still exist.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Scheduled emails stuck in queue
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2007, 06:21:36 am »
Hi Dean
When I clidk on resume it gives me a message that says something like:
"emails are the process of queueing, you can try to resume or you can cancel". When I clidk on resume again nothing happens, so I canel it.

My emails are not any bigger size wise, and I'm only sending out to a selection of about 1000.

Something new I noticed: I was sending the same email out to two different user selection groups. The scheduler showed them both the day before they were supposed to run, but the next day, only one of the emails to one of the selections showed up in the Sent Messages list. Again, this was the same email that was stuck in the queue. Don't know what happened to the second email...

I'll put in a case to give you access, and I'v setup two new scheduled mails for tomorrow (7/7/07). Maybe you can take a look at those. I've leave them in the queue and will not cancel them.

I'll try to run the script today or tomorrow and give you the results...