Author Topic: Scheduler not sending emails  (Read 2842 times)


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Scheduler not sending emails
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:00:26 pm »

I just noticed that the scheduler feature has not been sending my scheduled emails. I have emails sitting in there waiting to be sent as far back as Feb 18th.

I changed the date on all my emails to 2009 just in case things go hay-wire and start shooting off all my past dated emails.

I have to change the copy in all of these emails before sending them now that the date sensitive info within them has passed.

I just need help with figuring out how to get this scheduler to work.

Thanks for the help,


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Scheduler not sending emails
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 04:05:09 pm »
Hi Lilia,

Followups are sent by a daily scheduled task set up as per the following help page:

Basically, a web page simply needs to be 'grabbed' each day using a utility such as 'wget' or an alternative such as 'fetch', 'curl', 'GET', etc.  Your web host likely has a preference for the utility to use.  I recommend contacting them about having a task set up to browse to your dailymail URL each day (including your password as shown in the example on the help page).

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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CRON tasks
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 08:44:00 pm »
Hi Dean,
   I have been trying for a while to get the CRON tasks to work on my sites for a while now.

I am wondering if you can comment on cpanel cron tasks?

Basically - it offers me a stand Cron jobs task field.  I assumed I could copy and paste your code from here:

But when I copy and paste the stuff you have there and edit it with my domain info - I still get nothing happening on my end.

Here was my server support response:
"While we make a cron feature available in cpanel, we do not support getting scripts to run on it. That being said I would try contacting the script maker to ask what exactly needs to be setup in a cpanel cron to get this to work."

Do you have any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

I've been manually posting my dailymails for months.

If I need to pay you for some support to get this figured out, would that be possible?  This would save me a little time each day, and I would have more consistent send out of my mails.

Thanks for the help,


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Scheduler not sending emails
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2008, 07:17:19 am »
Hi Merle,

When I do installations I use the following code to ascertain the existence and permissions of certain system utilities, such as 'wget' used by the dailymail cron task.  Copy the following code into a file, ie. test.php, upload it to your site and browse to it.
Code: [Select]
<?phpecho "<h1>shell_exec</h1>";echo shell_exec('cat /etc/*rele*').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/wget*').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/curl').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/GET').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/lynx').'<br>';echo shell_exec('ls -al /usr/bin/fetch').'<br>';echo shell_exec('whoami').'<br>';echo shell_exec('groups').'<br>';echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/wget').'<br>';?>

Post the results and I may be able to offer a solution.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting