Author Topic: Scipt Options for basic setup  (Read 1469 times)


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Scipt Options for basic setup
« on: July 18, 2006, 09:28:14 am »

Thanks for last tips, back in action again.

Now a "cron" setup question.

My server has a good control panel. It has its own well laid out "cron" section.

So well laid out that your suggested script may not work.
This control panel has an option where you set up all the times on drop down tables and insert a smaller amount of script.

I asked the server teck support guy what he would suggest and got the following answer:......

You dont need wget - use this...

php /home/username/public_html/mail/dailymail.php?pw=YourDailyMailPass 1> /dev/null

where username is the name of your cpanel username. Enter the job you want to run then set the timing afterwards.

It is ambigious as to which user name to use. eg my host logon name, website name, with or without http or www. , etc

Is this a case where more than one script will work?
What do you suggest?



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Scipt Options for basic setup
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 02:33:57 pm »

This is a common reply on some hosts, however I can't recommend running the dailymail script as they recommend as I am unsure about the "script time limit' when run this way...

Does your server run CPanel brand management software? You would see text to this effect within your "Control Panel".  If so, setup should be a matter of entering one of the following as a task:
Code: [Select]
Timing: 0 0 * * * (midnight each day)
Command: /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null -T 0 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

or with an alternative to wget, which is sometimes disabled:
Code: [Select]
Timing: 0 0 * * * (midnight each day)
Command: curl -o /dev/null 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

You might set the task timing to * * * * * (every minute) temporarily in order to test whether or not the task works.  If you receive the dailymail report then it is setup correctly.  Note that you would need to disable the option "Do not allow dailymail to be run automatically until 23 hours 55 minutes has elapsed." on the Listmail "Dailymail" page for this test to work.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting