Author Topic: Send email only sends 100 then stops  (Read 2103 times)


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Send email only sends 100 then stops
« on: January 02, 2008, 09:24:26 am »
I tried sending my annual Happy New year notice (which I have done successfully for 4 years) and only 100 emails were sent then it stopped.  It says that I need to return to the configuration panel, but 100 emails were sent successfully.   An error message redirects me back to the configuration panel.

I have now lost the timeliness of this message.  Where is the problem?



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Send email only sends 100 then stops
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2008, 07:53:43 pm »

It is difficult to say, but one thing that can cause "PHP script timeouts" is the "Safe mode" setting in PHP.  Your host should be able to disable this for your domain.

You can also use a script to see if a PHP timeout is the culprit.  Create a file "timetest.php" and paste the following code into it.  Then, upload it to your site and browse to it.
Code: [Select]
<?phpset_time_limit(0);// length of test in seconds$s = 300;$start=time();echo "running timer test for $s seconds... elapsed = ";while(true){ $elapsed = time()-$start; if($elapsed % 10 == 0 ){ echo "$elapsed.. "; flush(); } if($elapsed > $s) break; sleep(1);}$total = time() - $start;echo "<br>Looks good!  The script ran for $total secs";?>

If all goes well the script will run for 5 minutes (300 seconds) then stop.  If it stops sooner, there might be a problem.

Also, can you tell me the value of your "Reconnect every X emails" setting on the Configuration page?  (You are using SMTP, right?)

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Send email only sends 100 then stops
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2008, 10:09:31 pm »

Thanks.  This script did not work.  But that is probably not the problem.  I am using DreamHost.   They seem to be limiting emails to 100/hour.

I have been using DreamHost specifically just for Listmail for 4 years.  I would highly suggest never recommending them.  Worthless for email and list purposes.  

Repeat, I have tried both smtp and php sending and the php all bounced -- every one.   The smtp required me to spend 8 hours sending a simple Happy New Year mesage to all my clients -- at 100 emails per hour.

You might want to go back and confirm my assertion, then update your ISP recommendations.   :?