Author Topic: Send thank you e-mail immedeatly  (Read 2520 times)


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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« on: July 06, 2005, 04:00:16 am »
Got to say I love how easy it was to impliment with ashop cart software.

Just one question Dean. If I use it to start off as a thank you autoresponder and do not want to wait until dailymail runs at midnight to process the subscribers how can I set it to send the intitial e-mail with no delay if this is what the first followup is set at ie:zero delay.

To send a thank you and followup instructions ie download problems at midnight is not helpful.

Any suggestions or maybe I am missing something in the setup of a seperata cron event to process pending zero delay message every 15 minutes.



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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2005, 06:10:01 am »
Just one question Dean. If I use it to start off as a thank you autoresponder and do not want to wait until dailymail runs at midnight to process the subscribers how can I set it to send the intitial e-mail with no delay if this is what the first followup is set at ie:zero delay.

When a user is added from a form on your web site, or via a blank email sent to a configured email address, the welcome message (if enabled) will be sent immediately by ListMail.  This may not be the case when a user is inserted into the ListMail database by aShop.  If aShop does not send a welcome message then you'll have to talk to the creator of the program about it.  This feature should be relatively easy to implement based on the ListMail code.

In the meantime, you might configure your purchase routine to offer the 'welcome' information on the purchase 'thank-you' page.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2005, 03:16:36 pm »
the most important reason I purchased listmail was for the immedeate followup . I thought as soon as a purchase is made a subscriber is sent the original welcome message I set up as a 0 delay follow up in listmail.
If this is not possible do you have any type of way to work around it ?

p.s. ashop does not send a welcome mail so the solution can not be with ashop .


Quote from: "DW"
Just one question Dean. If I use it to start off as a thank you autoresponder and do not want to wait until dailymail runs at midnight to process the subscribers how can I set it to send the intitial e-mail with no delay if this is what the first followup is set at ie:zero delay.

When a user is added from a form on your web site, or via a blank email sent to a configured email address, the welcome message (if enabled) will be sent immediately by ListMail.  This may not be the case when a user is inserted into the ListMail database by aShop.  If aShop does not send a welcome message then you'll have to talk to the creator of the program about it.  This feature should be relatively easy to implement based on the ListMail code.

In the meantime, you might configure your purchase routine to offer the 'welcome' information on the purchase 'thank-you' page.



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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2005, 08:22:46 pm »
Since ashop is the one adding the user it would be up to it to send the welcome message.  There is no (easy) way I can work around this as the ashop routine does not run any ListMail code at all.  A solution could be to modify ashop to identify users who have not received a welcome message, perhaps with a value in a ListMail custom field.  After that, a custom script that might run every 15 minutes as you suggested, could find the users and send the welcome message.

Are ALL of your users (on a certain list) entered with ashop?  If so, we might not need to modify aShop at all.  We could use a custom script to search the ListMail database and send welcome messages to users who do not have, say, the string "welcome sent" in one of the ListMail custom fields.

Either way it will take some custom code and I would be willing to help you with it for free.  All I need is some details, such as your ashop-only list #, and I can create the code to run via cron every so often.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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custom list
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2005, 03:15:09 am »
Awesome your support is unsurpassed.
My only problem is I created different ashop followup/thank you lists as each product requires a different one.
For example I have the following lists setup .

All of them could do exactly what you said except for the affiliate promotional ideas as ashop has nop way to send the data when an affiliate signs up so I add them manualy one by one.

Do you still think this is workable ?
Ie the script can check certain lists 1,2,3,5 and 7 and if I create any NEW lists all I would have to do would be add them to this script you are talking about ?

That would REALLY solve my problem as I ONLY use listmail for ashop sales and affiliates as I still have my 12all for my newsletters.

Thanks so much for the offer of the Free custom code Dean.


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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2005, 05:29:56 pm »
I will set up a script to scan every list specified for unsent welcome messages, which will be determined to be sent based on a value in a custom field.  It will be easy to add new lists to the script.

I can get started on this quite soon, but I need some information:

1) What custom field should I use to store "welcome sent" data - does it matter?  How about the last one, "user10" or "Custom field #10"?

2) How often should the script run?  5 minutes would be nice and fast but server intensive.  15 minutes, a little slow.  Every 10 minutes seems like a reasonable compromise.  This can be changed by you as you like in your cron task but I thought I'd ask so I can provide specific instructions when I'm done. :)

3) What do you want to do with existing users?  Shall we flag them all as already having received the welcome message?

I think PHP mail() (as opposed to SMTP, which is more difficult) will be fine for this as there should never be a very large number of purchasers in just 10-15 minutes.  The script, which will read each welcome message from the list settings for the list the user is on, won't take me very long at all.

Regards, DW
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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script details
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2005, 03:07:39 am »
Dean your the best :)
Quote from: "DW"
I will set up a script to scan every list specified for unsent welcome messages, which will be determined to be sent based on a value in a custom field.  It will be easy to add new lists to the script.

I can get started on this quite soon, but I need some information:

(lewis) Does not matter as I am not using any custom fields or plan to in the future.
1) What custom field should I use to store "welcome sent" data - does it matter?  How about the last one, "user10" or "Custom field #10"?

(lewis) 10 minutes is a great compromise
2) How often should the script run?  5 minutes would be nice and fast but server intensive.  15 minutes, a little slow.  Every 10 minutes seems like a reasonable compromise.  This can be changed by you as you like in your cron task but I thought I'd ask so I can provide specific instructions when I'm done. :)

(lewis) Does not matter as there are only a couple as I still am not officially using the ashop on the real sales page until I close on July 14th so the few sales are originating from other pages and I have been manualy sending them a thankyou message.
3) What do you want to do with existing users?  Shall we flag them all as already having received the welcome message?

(lewis)PHP is fine. let me know if I need to e-mail you and login access privately.
I think PHP mail() (as opposed to SMTP, which is more difficult) will be fine for this as there should never be a very large number of purchasers in just 10-15 minutes.  The script, which will read each welcome message from the list settings for the list the user is on, won't take me very long at all.

(lewis) Then I also thought as an alternative if this is easier if I created the original thank you follow-up as a welcome message instead of as a follow up. Would that be sent instantly or does that work with dailymail as well ?

Regards, DW


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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2005, 05:32:17 pm »

Welcome messages are sent instantly upon subscription by web form and are optional (default as per your list settings) when manually adding or importing users.

I would set up the thank you email as the welcome message for each list.  (This is where I envisioned programming the script to retrieve the message from.)

I will be starting soon - it should be done tonight.

Regards, DW
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Send thank you e-mail immedeatly
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2005, 09:18:43 pm »
Alright Lewis, I've finished the script!  You can get it at the following link:

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting