Mr. Dean I transcrib the config.php and login.php code I have beacuse I dont know how to correct the problem you mention at your post. Plese consider that I am not a php programmer else I am only a windows user :lol:
1. Thits is my CONFIG.PHP file code as it appears in my own site:
// CONFIG.PHP - ListMail Configuration File
// This is a .PHP file that must maintain proper syntax. Be careful to only
// change the values between the single quotes and nothing else, or the script
// may not work correctly.
// Required is your database information, the host should normally be left at the
// setting, 'localhost', but not always. Check with your host if it doesn't work.
// Enter your MySQL Information!
$sqlhost = 'localhost';
// SAVE this file as config.php, -not- config.php.txt
// UPLOAD all of the files to a new folder on your web site, such as public_html/mail/
// BROWSE to the new subdirectory
// OPTIONS are available for different server types
// These options are rarely needed but are available if problems occur
// To change options remove and add the comment characters "//" from the beginning of the lines.
// Examples are provided with their defaults
// Setting an option to '' means no value, usually off. Be careful to keep proper PHP syntax.
// Detect line endings for Mac browsers, default 0
// ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings',1);
// Use -f setting to set return-path correctly with PHP mail()
// This is used for welcome and confirmation messages. If you are receiving "raw" bounce
// messages from welcome emails even if you have bounce configured this may need to be set.
$phpmailf = '';
// $phpmailf = 1;
// International character set, default iso-8859-1 if not set)
$charset = '';
// $charset = 'iso-8859-1';
// Manually set path to MySQL binaries - for problems with backup / restore.
// The linux commandline utilities "mysql" and "mysqldump" need to be available for the
// backup process. If ListMail cannot detect this path, you can set it manually.
// $sqlpath = "/usr/bin/mysql/";
// $sqlpath = "/usr/local/bin/mysql/";
// $sqlpath = "/usr/local/mysql/bin/";
// $sqlpath = "/usr/local/psa/mysql/bin/";
// max random value for problematic servers (deprecated)
// $randmaxx = '50000';
// mail counter increment, default 50
// $mailcount = 50;
// add Maximizer option to exports
/* $maximizer = 1;
$max_header = '"MTI: Web Inquiry"
"BUSINESS_PEOPLE","1","401","E-mail Address"
$max_fields = 'em,fn,ln,u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7'; */
// !! Do not change anything below here !!
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) { $gpc = 'yes'; }
2. This is my LOGIN.PHP file as it appears:
/* ListMail (c) 2005 Dean Wiebe <>
You may not modify or distribute the program without express permission from the author.
Files are overwritten when updates are released, so it's not a good idea anyway. */
$islogged = islogged();
if(!$islogged){ $dologin=1; } else { $loggedin=1; }
setcookie ('LMadm1','',time()-2592000,'/','.'.getdomain(),0);
setcookie ('LMadm2','',time()-2592000,'/','.'.getdomain(),0);
if($loggedin && !$logout){
adminheader('ListMail','Logged in','jumplists');
echo "<center>You are already logged in</center>";
if (!$loggedin){
adminheader('Error',"Can't logout",'login');
echo "You are not logged in. <a style=\"color: #000000\" href=./login.php>Login</a>?";
} else {
setcookie ('LMadm1','',time()-2592000,'/','.'.getdomain(),0);
setcookie ('LMadm2','',time()-2592000,'/','.'.getdomain(),0);
adminheader('ListMail Logout','Logged out','logout');
echo "<span class=table_inside_normal>Admin logged out. </span><a class=table_inside_normal href=./login.php>Re-login</a>?";
$crow = mysql_query("select instid,admpw from $ctable where 1");
if($adminpw=='') { $adminpw = 'install'; $xpw = 1; } else $xpw = '';
// echo "pw=$pw, adminpw=$adminpw<br>";
if($pw == $adminpw){
if($xpw) $adminpw='';
adminheader('ListMail Auto-Install','Auto-Install','autoinst');
echo "<span class=table_inside_normal>Initiating auto-installer, please wait.</span>";
} else {
adminheader('ListMail Login','Logged in','jumplists');
echo "<span class=table_inside_normal>Admin logged in, proceed.</span>";
} else {
$narr = getnotifs($list,'cfg');
$crow = mysql_query("select ver,errchk,admmail,erraddr from $ctable where 1");
$xmails = explode(';',$admmail);
$admmail = $xmails[0];
$ipaddr = getip();
$iphost = gethostbyaddr($ipaddr);
if($errchk == '2' || $errchk == '1') $errmail = $errmail; else $errmail = $admmail;
$sendn = "ListMail Notification";
$sende = "$errmail";
$subj = 'Bad Password Entered!';
$msg = "This is a warning because someone (you?) entered a bad password in the ListMail login page. There is a delay of 7 seconds when you enter a wrong password but it won't completely stop would-be \"brute force\" hackers. Your safest bet is to make sure your password can not be found in a dictionary file and is at least 8 characters in length.\n\nHere is some information about the potential intruder:\n\nIP Address: $ipaddr ($iphost)\n\nThe password they tried was \"$pw\".\n";
$htmsg = '';
$crlf = "\n";
$header ="From: \"$sendn\" <$sende>$crlf";
$header .= "Return-Path: $errmail$crlf";
$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0$crlf";
$header .="X-Mailer: ListMail v$ver$crlf";
adminheader('Bad password','Incorrect Password','login');
echo '<span class=table_inside_normal>Incorrect password. This attempt has been logged.</span>';
if($dologin && !$logout && !$chkpw){
adminheader('ListMail Login','Admin Login','login');
echo "<!-- outer -->\n";
// check upgrade
$link = mysql_connect($sqlhost,$sqluser,$sqlpass);
// compare current_version with database
$cmd = "select ver from $ctable where 1 limit 1";
$cfgrow = mysql_query($cmd);
list($cver)= @mysql_fetch_row($cfgrow);
if(!$cver) $cver = '1.0';
echo "
<img src=1.gif height=10><br>
<table class=outer_table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td class=table_head_bg><span class=table_head_text style=\"padding: 0px 5px 0px 4px\">Enter Admin Password</span></td>
<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<td class=bg2>
<form name=getpw method=post>
<input name=chkpw type=hidden value=1>
<input name=pw type=password size=10 value=\"$inpw\" class=xbox style=\"width: 84px\"><br>
<img src=1.gif height=3><br>
<input class=button name=sb type=submit value=Enter onmouseover=\"this.className='button_over'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='button'\" style=\"width: 56px\">
<!-- end outer -->
<script language=javascript><!--;
if($demo == 'yes'){ echo "<span class=table_inside_normal><br>This is a demo, enter \"demo\" as the password.</span>"; }
if(!$installed){ echo "<span class=table_inside_normal><br>To install, enter \"install\" as the password.</span>"; }
echo "</body>
I hope you can help me with these extra information
Thanks a lot