Hi Dean,
I'd love to be able to be of more help. The truth is, I don't know what the problem is and I cannot guarantee that I can help you get it figured out to your host's liking, but I will try.
I know and I know you're very good at solving problems. I'm not freaking out or anything. Everyone is calm, cool and collected. Just another bump on the cyber-highway my friend. :lol:
I feel a little insulted that your host said I "just" tried to get you to switch hosts and "never" blamed the software, ListMail.
It caught me a little off-guard as well. I think two factors caused the remark: one being that they don't know you and they are protecting me, and two, that they have probably heard "it's the host's fault" a million times from software suppliers only to find out that it's the software. Dave (the tech guy there I deal with) I'm sure was not meaning to be insultive, probably just a tad frustrated not being able to resolve this. Personally I'll bet a coffee that it's something simple and a small incompatibility between LMP and their server/operating system. But, we'll see.
They should understand that my priority is not that you stay with your host but that you have a successful, working, experience with ListMail, ASAP.
And that! ... in a nutshell ... is why your software is so successful and I want to keep using it. They too want to offer the same level of experience to me and both you and they have always done so. I just happen to be the unfortunate one (for the moment) stuck in the middle!
This issue being questioned opens a door to improving efficiency of ListMail, which everyone can benefit from. I can write a few test scripts that contain loops, write files, queue emails, etc. to see if the CPU usage is the same, which might give us some clues.
Agreed. Whatever is causing this problem will be resolved and once resolved it will benefit everyone here. How you and the host are going to reproduce the problem I don't know unless you both set up a test site on their server. Or is this done using a ticket and you and he discuss it, make tests, then I try and use the changes live? If the latter, please be aware that I only send email once/week and really don't want to innundate my users with test emails to any large degree. I can -- but I will need time (and the ability to send mail) to let them know what is happening.
Unfortunately, debugging is not a process that will get your mailing lists working again instantly. It could take some time, so if you have very important messages to send you might want to get a cheap host, and maybe a new domain, to use temporarily.
I understand it'll take time. Our emails
are an important source of information and revenue, however there is not much I can do that makes sense. To move, even temporarily to another server, will cause havoc. The send from address would be different, the user's filters would not recognize us and the bouncing would be large. I'll sit tight as long as I know that both you and my host are diligently working on the problem. You two guys are good. That much I know. Teamed together? Well, heck, it'll probably be a week or so and all will be well (keeping my fingers crossed here :lol: )
I have already asked them to make exception for my mail in an effort to keep my op running. They have always been good to me on these types of things so we'll see. If not, then we'll not send email for a while and bite the bullet in an effort to save LMPkind!

--- for all you other LMP users following this thread, don't forget my sacrifices! hahahahaha
I certainly don't want to put you in the position of choosing between ListMail and this host - I just want you to get your email out. 
I can't see it going down that way Dean. The mail will get delivered, one way or another and the show will go on. I have faith in you and Dave. Like a said, a bump in the highway.
Will this host accomodate you with a higher time-limit (ie 2-3 mins..) so you can get more messages out between resuming? This could buy us some time. If your lists and messages are large, however, you will need to resume a number of times and it could become (more) frustrating. There is also the issue of partially sent messages which could cause a few undelivered emails.
As mentioned, I've asked and we'll see if they will accomodate. More than likely they will and, as also mentioned, I don't mind making some sacrifices to help out and get this resolved for the betterment of both LMP and my host, not to mention being able to get back to what we normally do at our site --- supplying writers with free writing resources. (How's that for working in a little plug? Too conspicuous? :lol: )
If your host has any tips about tracking CPU usage, such as the methods they use when determining when to terminate the script, I'd be interested in hearing them.
Your whole message was passed along to them moments ago. I believe Dave is out of the office Sundays and Mondays. So we might hear back by Tuesday. Our mailing is/was supposed to go out tomorrow but it can wait. I'll inform the advertisers and other parties that "Houston, we have a problem" and wait for you and Dave. If you need anything from me, just ask.
And .... before I forget, since you're in BC and I'm in Ont .... Happy Thanksgiving!
Take care,
Rowdy Rhodes
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