Author Topic: Sign up CGI script problem  (Read 5383 times)


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Sign up CGI script problem
« on: May 04, 2004, 08:42:24 pm »
I can't make work the sign up process to blank email
  :cry: I moved the .cgi files to the cgi-bin and chmod 755 all files
 I selected file #3 in the signup-list1.cgi and updated the path of script in the file.
 then I created .promailrc in the up level of html_public/
 Then I sent an email to but I can't  get the Welcome message neither the attachment
 also I tried to directly pipe the email to
 but it doesn't work
 I also checked usr/bin and I'm using sendmail without a problem when I sent out an email


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Sign up CGI script problem
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2004, 09:04:36 pm »

Did you make sure to modify the $listmail_url variable inside the .CGI script?  It should look something like as follows:
Code: [Select]
$listmail_url = '';
Also, the program /usr/bin/wget needs to be available.  If wget is not in that location, you can either copy it to that location or modify the .CGI script to reflect the correct path.

It is possible that your host does not use .procmailrc.  Often, the best/fastest way to set these up is to ask your host if "email aliases that forward to CGI scripts" are available, and how they are set up on your host.

If you are your own host, the easiest way could be by editing the file /etc/aliases, adding the following line:
Code: [Select] "|/home/mydomian/public_html/cgi-bin/signup-list1.cgi"

After editing /etc/aliases, make sure to run the command newaliases.

Check out this page for more documentation:

Hope that helps!
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting