Author Topic: Simultaneous registration for email list and forum  (Read 2085 times)


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Simultaneous registration for email list and forum
« on: May 17, 2004, 03:16:19 am »

I very liked your Forum registration approach, when you automatically registered every subscriber to the Forum with the same name, email and assigned code as a password.

I’m  releasing new project soon and willing to setup similar one-time registration process for both email list and phpbb forum. How can it be done?

Thank you for the help.

Pavel Lenshin
NeoProfit Circle


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Simultaneous registration for email list and forum
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2004, 11:08:46 am »

What I did was upon process of payment, the following occurs:

Take the first part of the email address, ie would become pavel.

Repeat these steps for both the member area (data stored in ListMail DB) and the forum (phpBB) databases.

1. Search to see if the username is available.  If not, increase it by 1, ie pavel1 and check if that is available.
2. Generate a password.
3. Enter the user into the database.

The member area is set up with a cookie-based authentication process validating against custom fields in the LM database.

To allow people to change their forum password via the member area I had to modify the forum code to remove md5() encoding of passwords when storing and checking.  (all md5 does is prevent hackers who have already gotten into your database from knowing people's passwords).

Other slight modification to phpBB to allow for "quick entry" of username and password via a link.  I also removed the "register.php" script so people cannot sign up and further restricted potential signups by making every "registering" user have to be validated by the admin (though, they can't register in the first place..)

I have offered this information as a step in the right direction for you.  I cannot provide the exact method or do this for you, at least not cheaply.  :wink:

Good luck!
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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I do this with aMember script
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2004, 09:04:26 pm »

I currently do this by using a subscription management script calll aMember ( Alex makes a ListMail plugin and a number of bulliten board/discussion board plugins.

I use aMember to manage a UBB.Threads bulliten board and ListMail. Each subscription plan in aMember can place the member in a specific BB group and add their email/name to specific ListMail mailing list. It can also control subscriptions by specific amounts of time.

It also has many payment plug-ins so the ecommerce side is easy to.

You could actually use aMember with the ListMail plugin to sell time based subscriptions to mailing lists and have the whole thing automated including realtime credit card processing for instant mailing list memberships.

You can see this at

The site is run by threads, the memberships are handled by aMember, and the monthly enewsletter is handled by ListMail. All additions to ListMail is done in the background by aMember. When a person signs up for a subscription they get added to a mail list by aMemeber. They can remove themseves from the list by using the remove link.

Hope this gives you more ideas!



Hope this helps...


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Simultaneous registration for email list and forum
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2004, 02:47:25 am »
Thanks a lot Grant,

I see aMember is much more versatile solution than my “modest” needs :), still I will consider this option.

Pavel Lenshin
NeoProfit Circle


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hmm...quick and easy?
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 12:41:17 am »
Is there a quick and easy way to auto-add someone to a listmailpro email list when they sign up as a PHPBB user?
$5,620 in 24 hours to a small email list of 500?