Author Topic: Single confirmation for multiple lists  (Read 2332 times)


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Single confirmation for multiple lists
« on: October 03, 2008, 03:12:33 am »
Hi everyone,

Not sure if this is a feature or whether it'll need some custom script.

I'd like to have a user subscribe to a list through a web form.
Then a single confirmation email be sent.
Then if *and only if* they confirm they get added to two (or more) lists.

I've tried using the option "When users are added to this list also add them to the following list(s):" on the lists settings page.
This results in one of two situations:
1. User is added to list2 as active before they confirm subscription to list1.
2. User receives two confirmation email, one for list1 and one for list2.

Now I'm sure I could figure some script to run manually to add active users from list1 to list2, but if something already exists then I'd prefer to be lazy :>
This would make unsubscription from list2 a little tricky though, so it'd be better to add to list2 at time of confirmation to list1.



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Single confirmation for multiple lists
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 12:38:04 pm »
Have you seen the "xtra" folder that came with ListMail?  The "signup-xtra.php" script runs on signup or after confirmation, if enabled.  You could set up some code for that one list to add users to other lists using code such as mentioned here:

Dean Wiebe
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