Author Topic: SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore  (Read 4507 times)

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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« on: June 12, 2007, 08:13:45 am »
Greetings all,

Here's my error message:

Testing mail servers..

[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled?  Yes, Using bounce.cgi
Sending TESTBOUNCE email to bounce address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Administrator Email Address" bounce.cgi is configured correctly.

[SMTP Server]
Is enabled?  Yes
Connecting to SMTP server..
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /data/14/1/103/35/1266361/user/1351231/htdocs/mail/editconf.php on line 1907

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to in /data/14/1/103/35/1266361/user/1351231/htdocs/mail/editconf.php on line 1907
Could not find server!

The SMTP server is not configured correctly. Check your settings.

I have looked up this problem extensively on this forum.  I have reconfigured the port to 2525.  I have reconfigured the SMTP server address to different combinations of names.  I have reinstalled the whole program and set permissions for the scripts in qmail.  I have tried to set login parameters for the SMTP server, username and password.  

I have even talked to my host, networksolutions, and they told me that even though they don't allow outside script access to the SMTP server, they don't see why the script shouldn't work.  They looked at my configuration and said without help from you guys, they would be shooting in the dark.

My question:  What am I missing from your look at the error message because I'm lost?  I've been at this point for a week.  If I can't get this to work, or if I encounter more problems out of my hand I might have to return this product.  I just don't have the time to figure out every little nuance nor the money to pay for tech install everytime I might change servers.

Thank you in advance for any help anyone is able to give.  Thank you.


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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 08:38:36 am »
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in

It appears there may be a DNS problem on the server running the ListMail script.  Please also ask your host if it is ok for PHP scripts running on the web server to access the mail server.

You could also try "localhost" as the SMTP server name instead of "".

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting

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thanx for the reply
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2007, 11:21:51 am »
DW.  That's exactly the question that I asked and they said that they don't allow a PHP script to access the SMTP server.  This is networksolutions that I'm dealing with.  

I tried what you suggested DW, with "localhost" and got this error message when I pushed Test Mail Settings:

Testing mail servers..

[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled?  Yes, Using bounce.cgi
Sending TESTBOUNCE email to bounce address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Administrator Email Address" bounce.cgi is configured correctly.

[SMTP Server]
Is enabled?  Yes
Connecting to SMTP server.. Connected!
Could not say EHLO.

The SMTP server is not configured correctly. Check your settings.

This doesn't have the same error info as before.  Does this mean that I do have PHP access to their server, despite what their tech guy said?  I need your help buddy.

Once again, thank you in advance.


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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2007, 06:50:47 pm »
Ahh so they will not allow any connections to SMTP at all.  It sounds like your only option is to either switch hosts or use the alternate mailing method "Internal PHP mail".

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting

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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2007, 08:28:58 am »
DW.  I did not want to leave this post unresolved for those who are looking for answers like I was.  I changed the Host settings in the configuration tab like you said to 'localhost'.  That's without the apostrophes.  Then I changed the host setting under that to  My domain is your web address.

I then stripped out all the login info.  No login info.  I set the port to 25 and Voila!  This message:

Testing mail servers..

[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled?  Yes, Using bounce.cgi
Sending TESTBOUNCE email to bounce address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Administrator Email Address" bounce.cgi is configured correctly.

[SMTP Server]
Is enabled?  Yes
Connecting to SMTP server.. Connected!
Sending test email to remote address.. Success!

If you receive an email at your "Remote Test Address" the SMTP server is configured correctly.

Being the skeptic that I am,  I then checked the email addresses to confirm.  There was no email sent to my admin address for the bounce.cgi script.  The TESTBOUNCE email was sent to my bounce address though.

The Remote Test Address email was sent, so the SMTP server is configured correctly.  

DW.  Why would the tech guy at Networksolutions tell me that I don't have access to their SMTP server with PHP scripts when the above clearly shows I do?  That really sucked, excuse my French.

I have a suggestion that I'll submit to you DW.


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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2007, 09:32:01 am »
Then I changed the host setting under that to My domain is your web address.

Sorry, this part confused me - did you use my web address, ie. Or did you use your own ListMail domain?  Did you really include "http://" in the hostname?

One explanation might be that is not the same computer as (which would be localhost).  They might allow connections across servers but not from the web server to itself.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting

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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2007, 01:04:28 pm »
DW.  I used my own web address and I did put in the host field that is below the first host field in configuration.  It's relevant because when I put a login name and password in this field it couldn't find the SMTP server.  

When I erased that information from the fields and did Test it could find the SMTP server.  I still haven't seen the confirmation email to my admin mail address yet though for the bounce.cgi script even though the message says success.  

Oh, the things we do for progress....


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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2007, 02:06:37 pm »
There may not be anything you can do to use SMTP successfully...  I recommend using PHP mail.  If you grow beyond a couple thousand members you might want to consider a different web host.
I still haven't seen the confirmation email to my admin mail address yet though for the bounce.cgi script even though the message says success.

Did you set up the required script files and alias/forwarder? (help) The process can vary greatly across hosts.  You may want to inquire about whether or not email to CGI script forwarding is possible on your server.  If it is not you can set up a standard mailbox for handling bounces.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting

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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2007, 03:46:46 pm »
DW.  I have configured the bounce.cgi and signup-list1.cgi scripts to point to

I have uploaded to cgi-bin and chmd to 755.  when I check on the chmd on my server it reads 0755.  Just being specific for you.

I have created qmail-bounce.txt and qmail-signup.txt and replaced path /path/to/your/cgi-bin/bounce.cgi  with | and |

I have uploaded the .txt files to my /cgi-bin and renamed them there.  Your instructions state:

 "Upload each file into your home directory (not your public html directory, the one up from that) and rename each file as shown in the following example:"

The "one up from that" on my networksolutions server is the root directory which doesn't allow me to write anything to it.  I have tried to FTP write to it but it's a no go.  

Question:  Would that be the reason why the Test message isn't going to admin email nor is the autoresponse when I email directly.  

Thanks in advance.


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SMTP, Not your mothers mail server anymore
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2007, 05:29:39 pm »
I cannot say for sure how your particular server will work...  The help files try to shed some light on a variety of mailers but unfortunately it is usually not so simple.  For best results please ask your host if "Email forwarding to CGI script" is possible on their server and, if so, how it is best accomplished.

After that part of the process is verified there is another hangup and that is that each .cgi script calls a system program "/usr/bin/wget".  I wouldn't mention this to your host yet, because we still don't know if email -> CGI is possible and this utility is often abused...

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting