Author Topic: Some members not getting emails  (Read 1560 times)


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Some members not getting emails
« on: November 03, 2004, 08:17:08 am »
I have an issue where some members who are clearly on the list (and do not have spam filters on their machines) are no longer getting my newsletter (and want to be!) None of them are AOL or Yahoo accounts (all are on their own servers.)

1. I see from another post that v1.77 of ListMail is suggested. How do I figure out what version I have now?

2. I have heard about mailing list services, where part of their service is a pre-scan of outgoing emails -- basically they analyze your emails to see if you've said anything that would set off the spam filters. You can then edit to get a better score (more likely to pass the filters.) Does anyone know of such a scan program/site that is not associated with a fee service?

3. This isn't a ListMail question per se, but what would be the recommended course of action if someone isn't getting my emails? Obviously they are going out from ListMail (at least I and many others I know are getting them). Should I suggest to those members that they contact their ISPs???

4. Any other ideas out there?

Thanks in advance,
Terri Z


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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2004, 07:18:35 pm »
hi terry

i have had the same problem over theyears and for some strange reason even though the email address is definately there, no email was received
so im keen on hearing a solution as well



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Some members not getting emails
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2004, 02:52:28 pm »

1.  To find out your version you must open and view the top of admin.php.  To be sure you're on the latest update download v1.77b from the members area and overwrite your main ListMail folder files (except config.php) with the new ones.

2.  Regretfully, I do not know of any services that offer outgoing email spam keyword analysis.

3.  It can be difficult to determine why your email isn't getting to a certain user.  Some ISPs use internet-wide blocking lists to filter email before it gets to the clients, others allow a certain amount of email per day, hour, etc.  I recommend you do some testing.  ie:  Set up some new accounts on the list and see if you get email to those accounts.  Try sending a message MANUALLY from an account on the ListMail server to the email address having problems.
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting