Author Topic: some things about deliverability to AOL and others....  (Read 2363 times)


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some things about deliverability to AOL and others....
« on: January 04, 2007, 05:01:09 pm »
Hi Dean,

I was wondering is i possible for LMP to pperhaps seed a certain email addy?

like lets say every 10-25K sent it sents me one to run against SA for listing tests etc or a AOL addy to see if its still coming in?

... also i use manual bounce removal and was wondering is it possible to import a database of my own with bad emails that will scrub them out of the good database i use? i assume i can just re-upload my database afetr cleaning them with my list tool but if i delete the main one and a user unsubscribes after 2-3 days the mailign went out this would mean they wouldnt be able to remove them selfs since the Unique ID would change

and last but not least is it normal to only hit AOL very good? hehe for some reason these are th eonly people clickign my links it seems and ALOT of domains dont even send out such as comcast and yahoo and i beliueve sbcglobal i always get timeout not reached ...... this might be and most likley is more MTA based but was just wondering, as long as i can hit AOL the same a si am now just at a faster pace im ery happy with this soft  :P just wish they would whitelist me heheheh i applied but i got a word back saying im not the IP owner so i assume i need ot contact the DC or call their hotline

thanks in advance for any help.


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some things about deliverability to AOL and others....
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 11:22:01 pm »
I was wondering is i possible for LMP to pperhaps seed a certain email addy?  like lets say every 10-25K sent it sents me one to run against SA for listing tests etc or a AOL addy to see if its still coming in?

I'm sure you know the answer right now is no, although a fairly easy (~$10 token payment:) ) hack could achieve this (hint: it's similar to this mod but instead of sleep uses PHP mail with an additional Return-path (bounce to email) and From (send from email) header...)
... also i use manual bounce removal and was wondering is it possible to import a database of my own with bad emails that will scrub them out of the good database i use? i assume i can just re-upload my database afetr cleaning them with my list tool but if i delete the main one and a user unsubscribes after 2-3 days the mailign went out this would mean they wouldnt be able to remove them selfs since the Unique ID would change

This is currently not possible, but could be with a small custom script... :)  I have plans to include this feature in the next update or two.
just wish they would whitelist me i applied but i got a word back saying im not the IP owner so i assume i need ot contact the DC or call their hotline

Whoever runs your web server would need to contact them.  If you are on a host shared between many users and are not the only person/company sending from the IP you are unlikely to be able to be whitelisted.  A dedicated server will typically cost around $125/mo.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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some things about deliverability to AOL and others....
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 01:25:19 pm »
thanks for the info!

i did call AOL today and they need to speak to the Data Center eventhough i have a dedicated IP.

till then does anyone have any tips about not getting blocked so much with the 421 SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE ?

like maybe only send a certain amount of mails to AOL in a hour?
what i was doing is started LMP with a 25,000 list and by the time it finished there were 12,000 left int he queue and it started with the 421 error so i assume after 6-8K mails sent they started blocking

i would have no problem limiting the outgoing to 5K mails a hour or so if that would do the trick till i can get the whitelist of feedback loop status

edit: after thinking about it i should be safe to send 1,000-1,500 per hour to just AOL without getting blocked real fast? i can even live with this yet it would mean i would require alot of LMP licences to cover my whole database once a day or bi-daily but till i achieve the whitelist status i would hope it would work heheh..... BUT using PHP method what speeds would be good to set?

i thought about starting with:
500ms per email and 5mins every 100 mails
while in WHM limiting each domain to just 2000 per hour just incase LMP decided to go wild i wouldnt be sending into AOL to fast again plus allow a few extra for bounces.

if anyone has suggestions on speed setting that would be safe to use or even know close to how much AOL will allow per hour or minute without throwing a 421 error at me i would be VERY VERY thankful

or maybe a link i can check the IP at occasionaly? so i cna get more of a idea when the block actually takes place since it does seem to be only temporary

as you can see im not much for speed but consistency more - well once i get FBL and WL i assume it would allow me to fly according to the postmaster site  :shock: [/i]


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some things about deliverability to AOL and others....
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 12:18:25 am »
If we could find out from AOL what a good rate would be I might be able to put in some prioritizing/delays into ListMail.  Such a feature might allow you to choose deliverability over speed.  There are likely also ways you (or your host) can throttle sending to certain domains on the mail server  configuration level.

You can detect the block by watching the server mail logs, if you have such access (Usually only the server administrator, root, does)

A handy command might be to "follow" the maillog and show lines containing the phrase "http://"

tail -f /var/log/maillog | grep "http://"

Ctrl-C to stop following

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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some things about deliverability to AOL and others....
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2007, 05:09:04 am »

Ive been trying my luck with aol appears without whitelist status best bet is to send mail every 2-3 days then pause.... even at very slow speeds.

i do have a question about PHP send method... what would be a good setting to use where LMP will only send 700-900 mails per hour to my MTA?
Right now i have:

Code: [Select]

900ms per email
5mins every 150 emails

i also set my MTA to only allow each domain to process 900 emails per hour to help, but if LMP processes lets say... 2,000/hr then 1,100 of those get bounced :(

i ask due to roadrunner letting users know what their limits are and my roadrunner subscribers seem to be very active or its just one of the only domains im able to get mail through LOL



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some things about deliverability to AOL and others....
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 07:19:22 pm »
i do have a question about PHP send method... what would be a good setting to use where LMP will only send 700-900 mails per hour to my MTA?

The settings you quoted should get similar results to what you are looking for, although I highly recommend sending with SMTP so ListMail knows if the message was actually queued to the server.

I unfortunately cannot really advise you on how to avoid your MTA limits.  You might be able to find a different mod that throttles email on a per-domain basis.  This might be called a "remote concurrency" patch, with concurrency meaning the number of parallel processes.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting