Hi Dean,
I was wondering is i possible for LMP to pperhaps seed a certain email addy?
like lets say every 10-25K sent it sents me one to run against SA for listing tests etc or a AOL addy to see if its still coming in?
... also i use manual bounce removal and was wondering is it possible to import a database of my own with bad emails that will scrub them out of the good database i use? i assume i can just re-upload my database afetr cleaning them with my list tool but if i delete the main one and a user unsubscribes after 2-3 days the mailign went out this would mean they wouldnt be able to remove them selfs since the Unique ID would change
and last but not least is it normal to only hit AOL very good? hehe for some reason these are th eonly people clickign my links it seems and ALOT of domains dont even send out such as comcast and yahoo and i beliueve sbcglobal i always get timeout not reached ...... this might be and most likley is more MTA based but was just wondering, as long as i can hit AOL the same a si am now just at a faster pace im ery happy with this soft

just wish they would whitelist me heheheh i applied but i got a word back saying im not the IP owner so i assume i need ot contact the DC or call their hotline
thanks in advance for any help.