Author Topic: Subscribe by email errors  (Read 1584 times)


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Subscribe by email errors
« on: March 22, 2005, 02:29:52 pm »

I seem to be having the same problems as listed before in that I can't get the blank email subscription to work.  I have read and followed everything to a "T", and even had my host work on it.  Here's the scoop:

I have set up both bounce.cgi & signup-list1.cgi correctly, using cPanel and modified scripts accordingly.  My host doesn't offer 'wget' but installed my own in the home directory, so I changed the path appropriately.  (would there be somewhere else I would need to change that?)

In LM Admin>Test Mail Settings, I get both ListMail SMTP Test: Success! & TESTBOUNCE ok

But when I send a blank email to signup@mysite & - nothing!

My host did the same, piped to the 2 emails and found no error messages.  Here's the result:

2005-03-22 11:13:11 1DDmwI-0005JA-5q => bounce <> F=<> R=virtual_user T=virtual_userdelivery S=10336
2005-03-22 11:13:11 1DDmwI-0005JA-5q => |/home/camdenbo/public_html/cgi-bin/bounce.cgi ( <> F=<> R=virtual_aliases_nostar T=virtual_address_pipe S=10218
2005-03-22 11:13:11 1DDmwI-0005JA-5q Completed
2005-03-22 11:13:11 1DDmwH-0005J1-Pw => bounce <> F=<> R=virtual_sa_user T=virtual_sa_userdelivery S=10084
2005-03-22 11:13:11 1DDmwH-0005J1-Pw Completed

Scripts are chmod to 755, path to perl iss fine - is it in my LM Admin?

Any ideas would greatly be appreciated.  I'd like to get this working to integrate into my osCommerce site, so that they use LM list manager.

Thanks again,


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Subscribe by email errors
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2005, 04:39:53 pm »
Ok, it appears my host figured it out!

After putting "signup" in the subject line, and sending a blank message to - it all worked.  Simple hey!  Not in the documentation though, is this normal?

But now, how can I not have it that way? I mean not everyone will put "signup" in the subject line.  Is there a way to overcome that?



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Subscribe by email errors
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2005, 02:06:33 pm »

I am not sure what is going on.  ListMail does not look for a subject in signup messages.  Perhaps there is a host limitation where email without a subject is not accepted or cannot be sent.  What happens when you set up bounce.cgi and send a message with TESTBOUNCE in the subject to your bounce address?  Does ListMail generate a success message to your Admin Email?

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Subscribe by email errors
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2005, 04:28:33 pm »
Thanks for getting back Dean.

My host checked all my scripts and scripts are configured correctly.  Both piped (aliases) correctly on the server, however only when we added signup in the subject line of the blank email did it trigger the signup.php.  

Does ListMail generate a success message to your Admin Email?

Only SMTP Test success & TESTBOUNCE with test in the email body.

I don't think it's a host limitation.  Just curious, why does one have to put TESTBOUNCE in the subject line of the bounce email?

Anyway, seems to work now.  PM me if you want to investigate for yourself.



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Subscribe by email errors
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2005, 06:07:13 pm »

I wish I could tell you what's happening.  I am at a loss as to why your scripts work with a subject but not without.

When testing bounce.cgi TESTBOUNCE is required in the subject to alert ListMail to return a 'success' message to the admin, instead of processing the message as a bounce.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting