Author Topic: The Best Host for ListMail???  (Read 6831 times)


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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2006, 07:53:50 am »
The best part about control panel software such as Plesk or CPanel is that it's easy to set up client domains complete with their own control panel access.  Its easy to set up hosting for your clients, friends, family, etc. so you can use revenue from that to pay for your server and essentially host any number of your own domains free of charge.

CPanel is good - it supports ListMail 100%. I had a look at the server company you mentioned, Brett.  It seems good, but there are a number of costs for things that are different than 1&1.  For example, additional IPs are $10 one time.  At 1&1 they're $1/mo.  1&1 provides 80GB of backup space you can access via FTP (or automated command-line FTP, via a backup script) to backup your data off-site.  The provider you mentioned does not seem to have this, so you would need to arrange for off-site backup elsewhere.  This can be crucial in recovering your server after a disaster such as hard drive explosion, etc.  Apart from that they seem like a pretty good deal.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2006, 07:43:06 am »
Hi Mike, Don, DW,

Quote from: "mike2"
I don't know about these people, I'd say try it and see how it works for you.

I see they were rated TOP 10 for Dedicated Servers, this is impressive. I believe their pricing is great too, I might try them.

I don't get it though, I found another host here (offering what they call 'semi-dedicated':

With there services the pricing is still $60/month, with 70,000 MySQL queries/hour - Is that fast enough / good enough for high performance mailing, what do you see with yours Mike, how many queries/hour do you run at with all that mail going out?  

I believe their service comes with a control panel - here's what they say about the service of their 'semi-dedicated':

There will be no more than 6 shared hosting accounts on a single server, thus each account will be able to use up to 20% CPU and up to 90 000 MySQL queries per hour.

They also claim: 2.5 GBits network connectivity, while over at ServerPronto with their dedicated servers they are claiming 100Mbps Connection, quite a difference here - almost like gives you a direct connection to a backbone, while ServerPronto doesn't - that would affect performance of clicks/traffic coming in and out - right?

So, the big question, which of these two appears to be the better deal for testing out a dedicated server on?    Any thoughts/suggestions?

As for control panels, LOL... I've NEVER used any kind of control panel... NEVER EVER!!!!

Sure, I can run on command line, but I'd be a little worried, I've never setup my own host direct from a command line, I woudl feel more comfortable with a Control Panel!  

I run my own linux servers on my own T-1 line and I simply SSH into the box and do what ever I need to...

Yeah, it sounds like you're right on a T-1 line, more like the, while the ServerPront would not be direct like that... I wonder what the performance difference would be?

Let me know what you all think....

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2006, 08:45:38 am »
Hey here are my thoughts:

On the amount of SQl queries per hour... Dean would probably be a bit more able to answer that, as I am not sure even how to monitor that... I'd guess if i'm doing 50K emails per hour, then there'd at least be 100K or 150K or so queries per hour, especially if I am using personalization in the messages...

As far as the connectivity...  What they are saying when they say 2.5gbits is probably that is what they have in their datacenter, not what is available to you...   For the 100Mbps, that is possibly just a way of saying that's what kind of ethernet adapter you are on, but not necessarily the speed available to you.  I would guess this is like comparing apples to oranges, and you'd have to find out a bit more to know anything useful.  They are both probably on a 100Mbps connection for the machine you would get.  What matters mostly in my opinion would be at where they are on capacity.   IE> If one is running at 20% capacity, then there is plenty of speed for you... This probably won't be an issue for you honestly if they are decent places.  This is my opinion I could be wrong.

As for using a control panel, yea for most I'd probably suggest it...  Heck if I had a good free one to use I might even also, then just use command line if needed...

As for which is the best deal to try......    Drum roll Please...   Dunno, lol.  I'd bet they would both be just fine, however, personally I wouldn't go with Semi-Dedicated.  Get the Dedicated one.


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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2006, 02:25:34 pm »
Sorry, I'm not really sure exactly how many SQL queries are executed... with the processing of message codes I suppose it could be up to dozens per message. !  I cannot recommend a host with limits on # of queries.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2006, 10:34:04 am »

Sorry, I'm not really sure exactly how many SQL queries are executed... with the processing of message codes I suppose it could be up to dozens per message. ! I cannot recommend a host with limits on # of queries.

Can you tell me who you use as a host?  Contact me directly by email/personal message if you like, I'm having a hard time determining which host is going to be able to fulfill my requirements for running LMP efficiently?   I'd like to be able to throw on a few other websites in the webspace, but my main concern is having LMP run efficiently so I can shoot out 30,000 messages/hour or so.

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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2006, 10:41:53 am »
I now prefer to use 1&1 unmanaged servers but also have a couple at  I am sure there are a lot of good providers.  I'm a big fan of Plesk management software.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2006, 10:59:33 am »
Hi DW,

I'm a big fan of Plesk management software

Ok, I remember that part about 1&1, is Cpanel any worse then Plesk, and do your accounts at 1&1 or at EV1 run with procmail?

I think we talked about this before, but those servers are 'unmanaged', doesn't that mean any crash requires me to SSH to the host and re-start the system, etc?  

Secondly is there any chance you're going to get that multi-IP patch done and be able to offer this again:
likely charge(d) ~$45/mo for 200,000 emails per day.

I really need a high powered server and can't really afford $100/month for it... perhaps if I can re-sell some of the space to my own clients - how many people do you have onboard, just curious?  Our markets are way different, I have people interested in my field but plan to try to interest some of them in independent marketing/sales to achieve their life purpose, doing that would require internet business/hosting....

Have you looked at that 'resellerspanel' website, they claim they handle everything for you, you just send the customers...  anyway, I'm guessing that my be a way to start... but for now I need a way to send 20,000-30,000 hour so I can get out multiple messages/day without having to wait around 8-9 hours for the throttled Queue Send to complete!

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2006, 08:02:11 am »
Hi DW,

Back to this, I'm considering the 1&1 servers, apparently they are faster (connection) than other hosts, I'll probably run most of the bandwidth/disk space with my own mailer site...

I'd like to make a little of my monthly fee back, you mention this:
Your own server has the added benefit of being able to host unlimited domains of your own and also run web sites for your family, friends, or clients. I

How in the world do you handle/track the billing for that?  I've heard of host billing packages that cost 1,000's of dollars... just wondering how you do it?   I'm not interested in taking 10-20 hours setting up billing pages, do you have something you would consider selling that is already setup?

Let me know...

*** I do custom List Mail Pro installations ***
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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2006, 08:44:52 am »
Hey Brett,

I'm currently handling billing manually using, primarily, PayPal's recurring/subscription system.  It's free, and I can withdraw my profits directly from an ATM near me.  If my client(s) can't use PayPal I set them up with a recurring subscription at the proceeds of which are directly deposited into my bank account every Thursday.

It's not a lot of work even with upwards of 30 clients.  Once signed up you will only need to contact them if their subscription is cancelled without warning, which is rare.

To make things easier you might want to use a cheap & popular billing system such as aMemberPro

Regarding your post before last:

Ok, I remember that part about 1&1, is Cpanel any worse then Plesk, and do your accounts at 1&1 or at EV1 run with procmail?

I'd say CPanel is one of the few worthy alternatives to my favourite, Plesk.  CPanel is full-featured and easy-to-use for your clients via their control panel, however, the server administration panel IS a little confusing and complex IMHO.
I think we talked about this before, but those servers are 'unmanaged', doesn't that mean any crash requires me to SSH to the host and re-start the system, etc?

Yes, with an unmanaged server you are fully responsible.  If your server hard drive explodes you had better hope you have proper backups and know how to re-image the server (easy via 1&1 control panel) and then recover and restore your Plesk/hosting/client data from backup (fairly easy via SSH).

Secondly is there any chance you're going to get that multi-IP patch done and be able to offer this again:

I think there's a good chance - I just can't say when. :(
I really need a high powered server and can't really afford $100/month for it... perhaps if I can re-sell some of the space to my own clients - how many people do you have onboard, just curious?

I don't overload my servers to keep performance up.  Just guessing, I have about 30 clients with 40+ domains across 3 servers.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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The Best Host for ListMail???
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2007, 07:22:10 pm »
Web hosts are being analyzed and reviewed - please post your recent experience if your host is not listed already!

Here's the post:
Email Web Hosting Review

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting