Author Topic: Trying to combine 2 lists  (Read 1649 times)


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Trying to combine 2 lists
« on: July 12, 2007, 05:39:30 pm »
I have a situation that I have users on 2 list of the same category.
I want to combine them

Sooo, I exported the smaller list to a csv file to my local drive
I renamed this csv file
I went to the larger list and use the Import function and browsed for the renamed csv file on my local drive.
click the Send File  and all went thru with no errors.

Only problem is that the users of the smaller have never been added to the other list after waiting for over 6 hours for the server to update.

I have already spot checked some of the users on the smaller list to see if they are on the larger list, could have all been dups - right? - if they had been then the larger list user count would not have increased - right?

Well the users on the smaller list WERE NOT on the larger list.

What have I missed, or is there a issue with either the export or import function that I don't know about?

Hoping someone can shed some light on my little situ.


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Trying to combine 2 lists
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 07:19:12 pm »
Hi Norm,

clicked Send File and all went thru with no errors.

After uploading the file were you brought to a "field match" and options page?  Actual import happens after this page.
could have all been dupes - right? - if they had been then the larger list user count would not have increased - right?

The import process should have displayed some counters showing exactly how many were processed, dupes and bad.  This happens after the field match / options page.

If you are not being shown that page, and you are on v1.87d, the latest version available from the member area, there may be a problem with your attach folder permissions.

The alternative to uploading via the web is to upload the file to your ListMail folder and manually type the filename where specified on the main Import page.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance!

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting