Author Topic: tweaking editconf.php and upgrade.php  (Read 1474 times)


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tweaking editconf.php and upgrade.php
« on: May 31, 2005, 07:19:23 am »
I'm wanting to change the verbage the people get when they unsubscribe from a list.

I have found the verbage in


However, I have not found any documentation on what to do after I change the verbage.  Since I have a running ListMail installation, I'm guessing that I just need to run the upgrade.php script one time.

Well, maybe not, since that appears to be an Insert, and I probably need a Replace.

Is there any documentation or past forum posts that address this in detail.




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tweaking editconf.php and upgrade.php
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2005, 10:46:03 am »
I assume you mean you want to change the web page the user sees after they remove themselves?  You should not need to modify ListMail's files for this.  What you found is probably just default text used at installation and upgrade time.  Changing this will not change what's inside the program.

To change what's on this page from within ListMail, click List Settings on the main menu, click Custom HTML, then click the Remove Success page.

Dean Wiebe
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