Hmm it looks like there's not an automated way to have people unsub from multiple lists, right? But I'm thinking there might be a way to use a form to allow them to unsub from my own site?
What I want to do is set up 3-5 "sublists" (each covered a specific type of content), then on the signup form automatically sign them up for all the lists- easy enough- but then allow them to unsub from specific lists they're signed up for- so far, all I see with the !remove is it would remove them from whatever sublist they received the email from- if they received email from list #4, e.g., if they unsub'd, they wouldn't get to choose to unsub from other of my lists they're on, is that correct?
Is there a way to use a form the way signup for specific lists is done in the form HTML (checkboxes) but for unsubscribing? Even if so, could it automatically check the ones they were signed up for so they can uncheck them?
This might be a lot to ask! :?