Author Topic: Unsubscribe option may not be working?  (Read 1922 times)


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Unsubscribe option may not be working?
« on: May 02, 2008, 07:20:19 am »
I have a concern that hopefully someone can help me sort out.

It appears that my unsubscribe option may not be working like it did a few days ago. Here's what I'm encountering:

My setup:
- users can manage subscriptions (and do unsubscribes) through profile.php only.
- All list settings are sent to notify admin when a user unsubscribes, which has always worked in the past but not now.

Potential problem:
- I've sent out a large amount of emails and I see NO unsubscribes coming through, either in my user database or in an admin notification. This is VERY unusual that no one on a large list would unsubscribe. (Yes, the link to their profile.php was included and appears functional)

When I test this with several of my email addresses, it appears that an email address is being removed from the list, however admin never gets any notification.

Normally this wouldnt be a big deal, but the two problems combined have me worried that something is not working right. (admin notifications for unsubscribe not being sent, even in testing; no unsubscribes coming through from my email).

Any ideas?


  • Administrator
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Unsubscribe option may not be working?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 06:31:28 am »
You said it was working before.  Were you using a standard remove link previously?  You could email me the profile.php code you are using to dean@... (include a link back to this post) which would allow me to offer further suggestions.

If possible I would recommend setting up a test list to see if you can recreate the issue with test subscriptions.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting