Author Topic: Urgent Help Needed. Listmail not working Properly  (Read 1756 times)


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Urgent Help Needed. Listmail not working Properly
« on: February 03, 2006, 01:51:40 pm »
Hi Dean,

Don't know if you got my PM.

But I'm having a lot of trouble with my Listmail app right now. :cry:

It's not sending the mail out on the day it's supposed to.

Which is the Now option.

That's the one I chose.

Since the upgrade I havent received the sent newsletter until
the Wednesday after and lst week not at all.

Please help me with this.


Lissa Jannini

P.S. If I have to pay for you top troubleshoot it's no
biggie. I really need this fixed.


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Urgent Help Needed. Listmail not working Properly
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 02:40:29 pm »
Hello Lissa,

I think Dean will reply to you, but I’d rather think this is a problem of your hosting.

ListMail set all outgoing emails in queue the moment you send them and it is up to your hosting how quickly it will process the queue and send your emails.

In other words it depends on how powerful your hosting server is and how fast it's Internet channels.
Pavel Lenshin
NeoProfit Circle


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Urgent Help Needed. Listmail not working Properly
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2006, 11:10:56 pm »
Hi Lissa,

I apologize for the delay.  For quickest hands-on troubleshooting and support you can place an order at  With the new web site [soon!] the prices will be reduced $5 each and other services will also be available.

Pavel may have a point in that the server may be experiencing technical difficulties with mail delivery.  Has the problem since resolved itself?  If not, due to the lateness of my reply I would like to make it up to you and troubleshoot for free.  Please submit your information here.  Be sure to include a description of the issue or a link to this post so I don't forget. :).

Regards, DW
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting


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Thanks Dean and Pavel
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 05:54:01 pm »
Hi Dean,

Thanks a lot.

I've been offline for about two weeks due
to PC problems.

Back in check now.

The problem is still occuring.

I just did a test about an hour ago
nd the mail hasn't come in yet.

Thanks a lot for the input Pavel.

The server I am using is a dedicated server.

Dual Xeon.

It's really fast.

It's a fully dedicated server.

Not shared in any way.

It's costing me a bundle every month. :(

I logged into the WHM and set the time
on the server to my time here in Toronto Canada.

Which is EST.

It didn't rectify the problem.

I will submit my info to the link
you provided.

Thanks a mill Dean.

I really appreciate this.

Warm Regards,



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Urgent Help Needed. Listmail not working Properly
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2006, 10:42:53 am »

Since you're the administrator of this server you may have immediate results with the optimization mentioned in this post.

By default cPanel will send immediately, say, 10 emails from thousands that you have queued to it.  The rest are sent several hours later!  This is obviously not optimal for ListMailPRO with large lists which is why I worked on it and discovered the optimization(s) found in the above-mentioned post.

I get my servers from 1&1.  They used to be $79 US/mo per unmanaged server but I think they've gone up to $99.  Personally, I prefer Plesk to cPanel which is what they offer.  $79/mo was the cheapest price I had ever seen - I'm still paying upwards of $129/mo from EV1 for 2 other servers. :(

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting