Author Topic: URGENT - Trend Micro AV mis-identifying ListMail???  (Read 2506 times)


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URGENT - Trend Micro AV mis-identifying ListMail???
« on: October 11, 2008, 02:54:53 pm »
wondering if any Listmail users are getting reports from subscribers about Trend Micro identifying them as a virus or malware source?

I've had a few panicked unsubscribers email me for manual removal because their Trend Micro AV software apparently warns them to NOT click the Listmail self-removal link.
Wishing all the best

Dan B. Cauthron


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URGENT - Trend Micro AV mis-identifying ListMail???
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 12:26:23 pm »
I've submitted a "support case" to Trend Micro as follows:
Hello, I've created and managed ListMailPRO software (, since 2002.  A client has come to me with this:

"I've had a few panicked unsubscribers email me for manual removal because their Trend Micro AV software apparently warns them to NOT click the Listmail self-removal link."

ListMail honors all remove requests - the user is actually removed from all future mailings to that list (or all lists, if the publisher configured their Remove Link that way).  Can you tell me more about why ListMail was listed and what we can do to have it removed?

Thank you very much!

Dean Wiebe
ListMail Developer

I'll let you know how they respond.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting