Author Topic: /var directory of server gets filled with log files  (Read 2018 times)


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/var directory of server gets filled with log files
« on: November 26, 2006, 11:59:16 pm »

For some reson the  /var directory of the server gets filled with log files by the list mail pro program and this causes it not to send any emails.
I have already disabled the bounce message handling in the configuration of List Mail Pro, but the /var directory gets filled regardless.

Any idea why this is happening?



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/var directory of server gets filled with log files
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 03:39:49 am »
The /var directory is the normal directory for server logs ( /var/log to be exact ).

The logs aren't generated by Listmail but rather by your MTA ( Your email program:  Sendmail, Qmail, etc ).

Couple options:  1)  Disable logging - Definitely not recommended
2)  Make sure your server rotates logs daily and compress the old ones, check /etc/logrotate.conf
3)  You should be doing #2 for sure, but maybe you need a bigger drive or more space in /var


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/var directory of server gets filled with log files
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 01:11:54 pm »
I've seen a server that recorded each and every MySQL query into a log file.  Needless to say this filled up the hard drive in a matter of a couple weeks.  I think I took the easy way out and "sym-linked" the log filename to /dev/null, but I likely could have disabled the log somewhere in the MySQL configuration or startup scripts.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting