Author Topic: Will ListMailPro work with windows hosting?  (Read 2460 times)


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Will ListMailPro work with windows hosting?
« on: October 14, 2004, 02:35:46 pm »
Is anyone using ListmailPro with GoDaddy hosting?

I am setting up ListMail Pro for a client and everything but the email setting seems to be working, I get the following error messages:

Testing mail servers..

[Bounce Handling]
Is enabled?  No (you should probably configure it)

[SMTP Server]
Is enabled?  Yes
Checking mail..
Warning: fsockopen, psockopen, opendir, readdir, closedir() has been disabled for security reasons in d:\hosting\cordobatx\lmail\editconf.php on line 1218
can't connect to Connecting to SMTP server..
Warning: fsockopen, psockopen, opendir, readdir, closedir() has been disabled for security reasons in d:\hosting\cordobatx\lmail\editconf.php on line 1261
Could not find server!

The SMTP server is not configured correctly. Check your settings.

I have gone over all the requirements and settings that Godaddy has and I can logon to my clients webmail with the settings but I can't get LMP to accept these same settings.

Anyone have good experiences with ListMailPro and GoDaddy hosting?




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What GoDaddy says...
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2004, 06:40:06 am »
I inquired with GoDaddy about the instalation and this was their answer:

"It appears that ListmailPro is trying to run features that have been disabled on our hosting accounts. The reason they have been disabled is for security purposes. Unfortunately, you will not be able to use this program."
Dean, do you think there is a workaround to this situation?



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Will ListMailPro work with windows hosting?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2004, 12:47:56 pm »
There is no good work-around for some of their limitations.  For instance, the "fsockopen()" function is required for using SMTP.  Without SMTP, your mailings will be painfully slow and unpredictable.  There is a workaround for cron not being available.  I am not sure what else they don't support.

I recommend a CPanel (server software) based web host as it will fully support ListMail from the control panel.  Hosting under CPanel can be found for as low as $10/mo.  You could try a site like to locate one. Before purchasing, it is recommended that you ask if there are any limits on the amount of email you can send (hourly/daily) as there is an option for this for system administrators.

A complete list of system requirements that could be forwarded to the potential host can be found here:
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting