Yet another testimonial from a happy customer! This one is from a client via email (Jason P). Due to the nature of his site (adult) I have not posted a link here.
First, he wrote:
Thank you very much for the prompt reply. I'm really impressed with how much progress has been made on ListMail since I last tinkered around with it! It was great back then, but now... WOW!
Then, I asked him if I could post his words as a testimonial:
Thank you very much for getting back to me! I'm continually amazed by your diligence in taking such good care of your customers.
You can use any of my quotes or quips to promote ListMail. I would be flattered and thrilled that I could help you (even in such a miniscule way). Here's a testimonial style quote for you:
I used a popular subscription-based newsletter management script for two years until I found ListMail Pro. Since I switched, I've never looked back and never will. Dean has created the most robust and user-friendly newsletter script I've ever seen. And with more cool little bells & whistles than I ever imagined possible. As good as ListMail Pro is though, I think Dean's after-sale service is the most amazing thing about it. He's ever-prompt, courteous, and a genius at helping me come up with solutions to any tricky problem I can throw at him. ListMail Pro is obviously a labor of love, because Dean offers way more than he has to for a minimal price... and his attention to detail has generated a one-of-a-kind script, unmatched in the industry. Subscription services can't compete, and having freedom from monthly charges is awesome!
Hope you can use all or part of that somehow. 
Thanks Jason!