Here is my "100% Stamp of Approval" testimonial.
If this is of any use for you, please feel free
to use whenever, wherever, however you want. (I
am working on a product where I will be promoting
ListMail *extensively* because I greatly believe
in it!)
---- Begin testimonial ----
"I couldn't believe my luck when I came across
ListMail in March 2002. After being burned for
purchasing a 'cron-less' script that didn't
work, not to mention the worst (non-existent)
customer support I've ever come across on the
Net, along came Dean Wiebe's ListMail.
I never regretted purchasing ListMail. All my
ezines, contact lists, follow-ups and e-mail
courses... now ListMail handles them all!
Not content with creating a feature-rich
product, Dean adds top-notch technical support
every time! It's been months since I bought
ListMail from Dean, but he's been always
available to answer my questions or help out.
ListMail is simply the ULTIMATE e-mail solution
for me. And if you want total control of your
e-mail campaigns, go with ListMail!
- Shery Ma Belle Arrieta, Author
"How to Create & Profit from
Your Own E-mail Workshops in 3 Days or Less!"