Author Topic: Hey alton here, Directory Folder files miss placed  (Read 1733 times)


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Hey alton here, Directory Folder files miss placed
« on: January 03, 2007, 06:14:28 am »
AM 1/3/2007
Hello there...;
Its alton here,
In ListMail Directory Folder, I am unable to find which file is
the index.html. The "index.html" file in a directory folder does not necessarily
have to be name "index.html", unless publishing the files in the
directory folder to an internet' website, then this one file in the
directory folder has to be located, and change the named to "index.html".
When the url is clicked, it send the message to a server
that looks for the "index.html that allows access to the website
so the rest of the files in the directory can be seen.
Currently I can not link (  ) back to the
website through my host since I can not distinguish which
file it is in ListMail directory folder name' needs to be changed
to index.html.
When the url that will be supporting ListMail is clicked at
this point, a screem window
loads saying: HTTP 403 ( Forbidden ). You are not authorized
to view this page.....
Either, hat happens or the url load pages here and
there inside of the host website.
The host has been notified about this experience.
And advised me to use setup domain redirection.
The results were, the host page that load says:
You have no domains redirect. Or, can not redirect to itself.
That the basic detail I am experiencing..
To your urgent success,,,,


  • Administrator
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Hey alton here, Directory Folder files miss placed
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2007, 01:07:19 pm »

The file is index.php instead of index.html.  Most hosts are configured to load index.php by default if index.html does not exist.

If your server won't do that you could try adding an .htaccess file in your ListMail folder as follows:
Code: [Select]
DirectoryIndex index.php
index.php could be modified to redirect the user, sure.

Here's an example

Note: index.php simply forwards to ListMail's login.php - you can browse directly to login.php to get into LMP.

Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting