Wow!!!!!!!!! Major brain dump. I have purchased listmail pro to set up a e- mailing list of customers for an audio bookstore.
I have successfully completed the initial installation (i hope :shock: ) and have now got to the set up cgi part of the install.
I don't even know if I need to do this or not, and because there is no clear indication in nice simple language (bearing in mind that this is the first time I have ever even seen this type of software so I am still cloudy on the overall concept of how it all comes together( a nice pictoral explanation with a few examples would be very useful to us newbies)) I'm struggling to get my head round what I should be doing. :?
I've read the posts on this a couple of times and am even more confused now than when originally reading the online help?
So here goes some questions
1, If I am using a form on my website to capture names to a specific list (initial optin), do I even need to do the setting up Cgi scripts thing?
2, If the answer to 1 is yes, why (keep it simple please) do I have to set up "email aliases" to forward email to CGI scripts?
3, What is bounce.cgi and what does it do?
4, blank email subscribe. I assume from your explaination: might point to signup-list1.cgi which is configured to subscribe users to list 1
That if a customer clicks on the link they can then send the blank email which then adds them to a list of my choice. Is that it? what goes on the list? Is it just the e-mail address that gets captured or does it somehow in some devious manner capture the senders name as well?
Thats all for this post, I may have some more depending on your answers
Thanks for your help in advance