Author Topic: Update ordered and some problems.  (Read 2558 times)


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Update ordered and some problems.
« on: June 11, 2004, 09:16:10 am »
Hi Dean, I sent out for an analysis and update -- please let me know when it is complete. I also would like to know how to create custom newsletters that are "timed" -- thank you!

Also, I didn't see this here but it won't allow me to update my list settings and this is bad because now I am getting folks unsubscribing because the wrong info is in there. Please hurry!


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Update ordered and some problems.
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2004, 02:21:57 am »

I have received and taken care of your analysis / update request.  Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

You can set up timed followup messages on a per-list basis.  See the following URL for some help on the subject:

You mentioned you would like to have your subscribers possibly enter their pregnancy "due date" and have the sequence "grow" along with them.  This would be a very cool site feature, however, it's not so simple.  You would need a customized signup form that accepts the subscribers due date and sets the "seq" variable of the signup form to start the subscriber on the proper followup.

I could be coerced into helping you with a form for a modest rate.  I don't suspect it would take more than an hour.  My current rate is $35/hr.

Dean Wiebe
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