Author Topic: A candid testimonial  (Read 64944 times)


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A candid testimonial
« on: November 23, 2007, 08:03:59 pm »
Thank you, Dean,

I've bought ListMail and already had aMember - they are both set up now and I will be able to do what I wanted easily.

I think ListMail is fantastic and the best emailing system I've ever used.


Victor's site (check it out!)

Website Strategies - How to make your website successful!

:: -----Original Message (Sales Email)-----:
:: Hello,
:: > How hard is it to integrate ListMail with 'Amember'
:: membership software?
:: > Do you have any information about this I could read?
:: Amember features a ListMail plugin you can purchase:
:: > Would you provide help getting both integrated if I came
:: across problems?
:: I help out with integration on a limited basis through the
:: Customizations
:: forum where many examples are available for reference.  For
:: help with the
:: aMember plugin you will have to speak to aMember tech support.
:: > User signs up to receive a "free report or download" - He
:: opts-in to the
:: > mailing list and then goes to a download page - meanwhile he gets
:: > subscribed to an Amember membership...?
:: Anything is possible with a little custom script.  aMember
:: should be step
:: one, I think, so the integration should likely be done on
:: the aMember side.
:: Please let me know if you have any more questions!
:: Regards,
:: Dean Wiebe
:: ListMail Developer
Dean Wiebe
ListMailPRO Author & Developer - Help | Support | Hosting